]> 0.9.0 1.2 MyFaces Extensions http://myfaces.sourceforge.net/tld/myfaces_ext_0_9.tld Enhanced standard JSP actions and custom MyFaces actions. commandButton net.sourceforge.myfaces.taglib.html.ext.HtmlCommandButtonTag JSP Extends standard commandButton by user role support. &standard_command_button_attributes; &user_role_attributes; commandLink net.sourceforge.myfaces.taglib.html.ext.HtmlCommandLinkTag JSP Extends standard commandLink by user role support and the HTML target attribute. &standard_command_link_attributes; &user_role_attributes; dataTable net.sourceforge.myfaces.taglib.html.ext.HtmlDataTableTag JSP Extended data_table that adds some additional features to the standard data_table action: see attribute descriptions for preserveDataModel, sortColumn, sortAscending and preserveSort. &standard_data_table_attributes; &user_role_attributes; preserveDataModel false false Indicates whether the state of the whole DataModel should be saved and restored. Default: true sortColumn false false Value reference to a model property that gives the current sort column name. sortAscending false false Value reference to a model property that gives the current sort direction. preserveSort false false Indicates whether the state of the sortColumn and sortAscending attribute should be saved and restored and written back to the model during the update model phase. Default: true inputText net.sourceforge.myfaces.taglib.html.ext.HtmlInputTextTag JSP Extends standard inputText by user role support. &standard_input_text_attributes; &user_role_attributes; message net.sourceforge.myfaces.taglib.html.ext.HtmlMessageTag JSP MyFaces extension to the standard messages tag: see summaryDetailSeparator attribute &standard_message_attributes; &user_role_attributes; summaryFormat false false If present, instead of rendering the message summary, a MessageFormat with this attribute as pattern is created. The format method of this MessageFormat is called with the message summary as the first argument and the label of the associated component (if any) as the second argument. Example: "{0}:" detailFormat false false If present, instead of rendering the message detail, a MessageFormat with this attribute as pattern is created. The format method of this MessageFormat is called with the message detail as the first argument and the label of the associated component (if any) as the second argument. Example: "The input in field {1} is wrong: {0}" messages net.sourceforge.myfaces.taglib.html.ext.HtmlMessagesTag JSP MyFaces extension to the standard messages tag: see showInputLabel attribute &standard_messages_attributes; &user_role_attributes; summaryFormat false false If present, instead of rendering the message summary, a MessageFormat with this attribute as pattern is created. The format method of this MessageFormat is called with the message summary as the first argument and the label of the associated component (if any) as the second argument. Example: "{0}:" or "{0} in field {1}" globalSummaryFormat false false Like summaryFormat, but applies to global messages (i.e. messages not associated with a component). If no globalSummaryFormat is given, the summaryFormat is used for global messages. Example: "{0}:" detailFormat false false If present, instead of rendering the message detail, a MessageFormat with this attribute as pattern is created. The format method of this MessageFormat is called with the message detail as the first argument and the label of the associated component (if any) as the second argument. Example: "The input in field {1} is wrong: {0}" outputLabel net.sourceforge.myfaces.taglib.html.ext.HtmlOutputLabelTag JSP Extends standard outputLabel by user role support. &standard_output_label_attributes; &user_role_attributes; outputText net.sourceforge.myfaces.taglib.html.ext.HtmlOutputTextTag JSP Extends standard outputText by user role support. &standard_output_text_attributes; &user_role_attributes; panelGroup net.sourceforge.myfaces.taglib.html.ext.HtmlPanelGroupTag JSP Extends standard panelGroup by user role support. &standard_panel_group_attributes; &user_role_attributes; selectOneMenu net.sourceforge.myfaces.taglib.html.ext.HtmlSelectOneMenuTag JSP Extends standard selectOneMenu by user role support. &standard_select_one_menu_attributes; &user_role_attributes; selectOneRadio net.sourceforge.myfaces.taglib.html.ext.HtmlSelectOneRadioTag JSP Extends standard selectOneRadio by user role support. Additionally this extended selectOneRadio accepts a layout attribute of value "spread" (see custom radio tag). &standard_select_one_radio_attributes; &user_role_attributes; selectManyCheckbox net.sourceforge.myfaces.taglib.html.ext.HtmlSelectManyCheckboxTag JSP Extends standard selectManyCheckbox by user role support. Additionally this extended selectManyCheckbox accepts a layout attribute of value "spread" (see custom checkbox tag). &standard_select_many_checkbox_attributes; &user_role_attributes; inputCalendar net.sourceforge.myfaces.custom.calendar.HtmlInputCalendarTag JSP Provides a calendar. &ui_input_attributes; &html_event_handler_attributes; &html_universal_attributes; monthYearRowClass false false CSS class to be used for the header-row showing month and year. weekRowClass false false CSS class to be used for the header-row showing the week-days. dayCellClass false false CSS class to be used for the cells showing days. currentDayCellClass false false CSS class to be used for the cell of the currently selected date. checkbox net.sourceforge.myfaces.custom.checkbox.HtmlCheckboxTag JSP Renders a HTML input of type "checkbox". The associated SelectItem comes from an extended selectManyCheckbox component with layout "spread". The selectManyCheckbox is referenced by the "for" attribute. All HTML pass-through attributes for this input are taken from the associated selectManyCheckbox. &ui_component_attributes; &user_role_attributes; for true false id of the referenced extended selectManyCheckbox component index true false n-th SelectItem of referenced UISelectMany starting with 0. commandNavigation net.sourceforge.myfaces.custom.navigation.HtmlCommandNavigationTag JSP Must be nested inside a panel_navigation action and renders a clickable navigation item. This action is derived from the standard command_link action and has equal attributes. (Replaces former "navigation_item" tag.) &ui_command_attributes; &html_universal_attributes; &html_event_handler_attributes; &html_anchor_attributes; &user_role_attributes; onblur false false onfocus false false commandSortHeader net.sourceforge.myfaces.custom.sortheader.HtmlCommandSortHeaderTag JSP Clickable sort column header. Must be nested inside an extended data_table tag. This tag is derived from the standard command_link tag and has the additional attributes columnName and arrow. &ui_command_attributes; &html_universal_attributes; &html_event_handler_attributes; &html_anchor_attributes; &user_role_attributes; columnName true false The name of this column. This name must uniquely identify this column among all other (sortable) columns in the same data_table. The sortColumn attribute of the embedding data_table reflects the current sort column (see extended data_table). arrow false false Indicates whether an arrow, that shows the sort direction should be rendered. Default: true dataList net.sourceforge.myfaces.custom.datalist.HtmlDataListTag JSP Similar to dataTable, but does not render a table. Instead the layout attribute controls how each dataRow is rendered. &ui_panel_attributes; &html_universal_attributes; &html_event_handler_attributes; value false false Supported types see JSF Spec 4.1.3 var true false rows false false first false false &user_role_attributes; layout false false simple|unorderedList|orderedList simple = for each dataRow all children are simply rendered unorderedList = the list is rendered as HTML unordered list (= bullet list) orderedList = the list is rendered as HTML ordered list Default: simple rowIndexVar false false A parameter name, under which the current rowIndex is set in request scope similar to the var parameter. rowCountVar false false A parameter name, under which the rowCount is set in request scope similar to the var parameter. dataTableScroller net.sourceforge.myfaces.custom.datatablescroller.HtmlDataTableScrollerTag JSP Scroller for dataTable Must be nested inside footer facet of dataTable OR for attribute must be given so that corresponding dataTable can be found &ui_component_attributes; for false false inputFileUpload net.sourceforge.myfaces.custom.fileupload.HtmlInputFileUploadTag JSP You must enable O'Reillys MultiPart Filter to make this component work (see web.xml). Also, don't forget to set the form's attribute "enctype" to "multipart/form-data". See "examples/web/fileupload.jsp" for an example! &ui_input_attributes; &html_universal_attributes; &html_event_handler_attributes; &html_input_attributes; accept false false panelLayout net.sourceforge.myfaces.custom.layout.HtmlPanelLayoutTag JSP &ui_panel_attributes; &html_universal_attributes; &html_event_handler_attributes; &html_table_attributes; layout false false java.lang.String layout | header | navigation | body | footer =================|========|============|=======|======== classic (Default)| top | left | right | bottom navigationRight | top | right | left | bottom upsideDown | bottom | left | right | top headerClass false false CSS class to be used for the table cell. navigationClass false false CSS class to be used for the table cell. bodyClass false false CSS class to be used for the table cell. footerClass false false CSS class to be used for the table cell. headerStyle false false CSS style to be used for the table cell. navigationStyle false false CSS style to be used for the table cell. bodyStyle false false CSS style to be used for the table cell. footerStyle false false CSS style to be used for the table cell. panelNavigation net.sourceforge.myfaces.custom.navigation.HtmlPanelNavigationTag JSP &ui_panel_attributes; &html_universal_attributes; &html_event_handler_attributes; &html_table_attributes; itemClass false false The CSS class of closed navigation items. openItemClass false false The CSS class of open navigation items. activeItemClass false false The CSS class of the active navigation item. separatorClass false false The CSS class for the td element of a separator. itemStyle false false The CSS Style of closed navigation items. openItemStyle false false The CSS Style of open navigation items. activeItemStyle false false The CSS Style of the active navigation item. separatorStyle false false The CSS Style for the td element of a separator. panelTab net.sourceforge.myfaces.custom.tabbedpane.HtmlPanelTabTag JSP &ui_panel_attributes; &html_universal_attributes; &html_event_handler_attributes; &user_role_attributes; label false false Label of this tab. panelTabbedPane net.sourceforge.myfaces.custom.tabbedpane.HtmlPanelTabbedPaneTag JSP &ui_panel_attributes; &html_universal_attributes; &html_event_handler_attributes; &html_table_attributes; &user_role_attributes; selectedIndex false false Index of tab that is selected by default. radio net.sourceforge.myfaces.custom.radio.HtmlRadioTag JSP Renders a HTML input of type "radio". The associated SelectItem comes from an extended selectOneRadio component with layout "spread". The selectOneRadio is referenced by the "for" attribute. All HTML pass-through attributes for this input are taken from the associated selectOneRadio. &ui_component_attributes; &user_role_attributes; for true false id of the referenced extended selectOneRadio component index true false n-th SelectItem of referenced UISelectOne starting with 0. tree net.sourceforge.myfaces.custom.tree.taglib.TreeTag JSP id false false value true false styleClass false false nodeClass false false selectedNodeClass false false iconLine false false iconNoline false false iconChild false false iconChildFirst false false iconChildMiddle false false iconChildLast false false iconNodeOpen false false iconNodeOpenFirst false false iconNodeOpenMiddle false false iconNodeOpenLast false false iconNodeClose false false iconNodeCloseFirst false false iconNodeCloseMiddle false false iconNodeCloseLast false false expandRoot false false treeSelectionListener net.sourceforge.myfaces.custom.tree.taglib.TreeSelectionListenerTag empty type true false saveState net.sourceforge.myfaces.custom.savestate.SaveStateTag JSP id false false value true false updateActionListener net.sourceforge.myfaces.custom.updateactionlistener.UpdateActionListenerTag JSP Registers a net.sourceforge.myfaces.custom.updateactionlistener.UpdateActionListener at the parent component. property true false value true false converter false false