MyFaces Features

Saving the full tree and model state information in the client response

Traditional JSP Applications save their state information within HttpSession objects. This is an easy to use but poor approach: MyFaces has a different approach. It makes it possible to write sophisticated applications without any use of the HttpSession. All state information of the jsf tree and (optionally the model beans) is encoded to the client response in the form of query parameters and hidden inputs in forms.

Support for saving model state

MyFaces introduces a new Component "UISaveState" with the corresponding Tag "<myfaces_ext:save_state>".
Example (see "sample1.jsp"):
    <jsp:useBean id="calcForm"
                 scope="request" />
        <x:save_state id="save1" modelReference="calcForm.number1" />
        <x:save_state id="save2" modelReference="calcForm.number2" />
        <x:save_state id="save3" modelReference="calcForm.result" />
The current values of the three properties number1, number2 and result get automatically saved within the client response and restored from the following client request.

You can also save the whole bean.

    <jsp:useBean id="calcForm"
                 scope="request" />
        <x:save_state id="save1" modelReference="calcForm" />
The whole bean automatically is saved (serialized) and restored by MyFaces.

Keep in mind that to be able to save and restore the value of a bean property or the bean itself, it must either be serializable or have a type that is supported by a Converter (see package myfaces/converter/map).

State Saving

MyFaces supports two methods of encoding the state information:


MyFaces supports two methods of mapping requests to the FacesServlet:

UINavigation / NavigationRenderer (navigation and navigation_item tags)

A simple navigation component to build a vertical menu structure.
(see web\example\inc\navigation.jsp for an example)

UISortHeader / SortColumnRenderer (sortheader and sortcolumn tags)

Convenient support for writing lists, that can be (re)sorted by a click on a column header. (see web\example\simpleSortList.jsp for an example)

LayoutRenderer (page_layout, page_header, page_body and page_footer tags)

Support for switchable page layout. Try the example and change the layout under "Options" to see the magic!

ListRenderer supports nested HTML and JSP

MyFaces ListRenderer does not render it's children, but rather lets child components and embedded HTML or JSP code the chance to render. This is achieved by our magic CallbackRenderer support. (see list examples)