MyFaces Release Notes ===================== ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in Release 1.0.10 * added renderFacetsIfSinglePage to x:dataScroller * aliasBean : avoid evaluating expressions on each phase * added aliasBeansScope tag to make configuration with multiple aliasBean easier to manage. * added displayValueOnly functionality which renders input components as if they were output components when this attribute is set to true, works on most extended components. * added forceId to many more of the extended components * new x:htmlTag component * new selectOneLanguage component * closed MYFACES-13 * closed MYFACES-34 * closed MYFACES-84 * closed MYFACES-147 * closed MYFACES-177 * closed MYFACES-180 * closed MYFACES-181 * closed MYFACES-199 * closed MYFACES-209 * closed MYFACES-234 * closed MYFACES-241 * closed MYFACES-242 * closed MYFACES-263 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in Release 1.0.9 * added support for portlet api (MYFACES-86). Thanks to Stan Silver (JBoss Group) * new CollapsiblePanel Component * new selectOneCountry component * added forceId to 5.5 * new x:buffer component ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in Release 1.0.8 beta_RC1 * move to Apache Incubator (root package is now "org.apache.myfaces") * providing a tld for MyFaces custom components, that still contains the 'old' sf-URI name for backward compatibility * i18n support for Brazilian Portuguese; thanks to Rogerio Pereira * bug fix #1045363 New
and   'feature' * bug fix MYFACES-9: store iconChildMiddle in component state * bug fix #1006636 VisibleOnUserRole attribute for x:panelTab tag * bug fix #1049792 rendered attribute is disabled for commandNavigation * bug fix #1042890 HtmlNavigationRenderer renders separator for parameters * bug fix #1046763 Temp jar built at config time not deleted * bug fix MYFACES-50: JBuilder 2005 fails to load TLD file descriptors * bug fix #1044663 visibleOnUserRole attribute for navigationMenuItem * refactor the jar files : - myfaces-jsf-api.jar contains the api classes (no change) - myfaces-impl.jar contains the standard jsf implementation - myfaces-extensions.jar contains the myfaces extensions - myfaces.jar containes all the myfaces code, and can be used in place of the 3 above * add an x:aliasBean component * add an x:div component * add a validator for ISBN codes () * new tree table feature contributed by David Le Strat (MYFACES-8) * new ExtensionsFilter, replacing the MultipartFilter, and allowing embedded resources in the jar * new x:popup component * popup component now uses embeded resources * calendar component now uses embeded resources * new HTML Editor component (). Basically, it's an rich text WYSIWYG component. * add a popup calendar to the inputDate tag. * Some tiles support enhancements * localization for spanish from Spain (es_es) or catalan (ca / es_ca) * new JavaScript support tags and components - x:jsValueSet, x:jsValueChangeListener ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in Release 1.0.7 beta * new custom component: HtmlPanelStack * new custom component: Stylesheet * new extended HtmlInputTextarea component (with user role support) * new Autoscroll feature (restores horizontal and vertical browser page scrolling) * new previousRowDataVar attribute in extended HtmlDataTable (see tld description) * Japanese translation * fixed problems with nested UIData and HtmlDataTable components * writeText method in default ResponseWriter now maps newlines to
and successive spaces to   entities * corrected some problems with rowIndexVar and rowCountVar in HtmlDataList * extended HtmlDataTable now also supports rowIndexVar and rowCountVar * bug #1020264 x:navigationMenuItem icon problem * bug #1010800 [PATCH] improve examples's i18n and Japanese support * bug #1019443 no setter method corresponding to TLD declared attribute * bug #1019807 add anothere DTD System ID for web.xml * bug #1038697 h:selectOneRadio generates malformed XHTML * bug #1038716 Empty h:selectManyCheckbox generates malformed HTML * bug #1031187 [PATCH] JspViewHandlerImpl: Remove dep on ServletRequest * bug #1031182 [PATCH] FacesMessage.getDetail * bug #998464 request charset handling is invalid * bug #1001511 fileupload compponent don't support setHeaderEncoding * bug #1008043 applied patch for ServletExternalContextImpl by Takashi Okamoto * fixed StackOverflow in ClassUtils and cleaned up ClassUtils methods * full revision of extended HtmlDataTable so that there is no more cache problem * HtmlCommandSortHeader now supports immediate attribute * bug fix: No decode for spread checkbox or radio * bug fix: NPE in MessageUtils when there was no ViewRoot * bug #1012909 support Oracle ADF * bug #1007065 f:view should tokenize locale attribute * bug #1013489 support EL expression at * Tiles support: ServletContextListener (JspTilesViewHandlerInitializer) no longer needed * outputText (and other components) needed to render a span-tag if they have a custom-set id * required HtmlInputFileUpload validates now correctly (and shows a message) if submitted value exists and the value is empty ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in Release 1.0.6 beta * switch to apache license * new JspTilesViewHandler for flawless Tiles support * RFE #975649 Enhance HtmlTabbedPaneRenderer (rendered attribute for TabbedPane component) * RFE #990814 dataList component ignores styleClass attribute * bug #1004867 h:message has duplicate attributes * bug #1004896 h:dataTable id attribute not rendered * bug #995085 graphicImage ignores value attribute * bug #992668 selectOneMenu doesn't restore the bean value if it's a primitive * bug #992628 StateManager.SerializedView is not static * bug #992629 FacesContext.getRenderKit() unimplemented * bug #992452 HtmlTree doesn't properly restore state * bug #991740 HtmlTreeRender icon URL conversion * bug #991234 command links not working with javascript disabled * bug #990395 myfaces.jar has bad taglib descriptor * bug #990302 Navigation-Rule redirect * bug #985274 f:view locale does not always work * bug #978654 Input hidden value of null being converted to zero * bug #979038 jsCookMenu component does not create dummyForm * bug #979039 default-values for ConvertNumberTag and ConvertDateTimeTag * changed build.xml - now myfaces-components are shipped via bin-distribution * bug #985217 decorator-factory not supported * splitting jar-files (myfaces.jar, myfaces-jsf-api.jar, myfaces-components.jar) * new EXPERIMENTAL feature to detect JavaScript support of a client browser ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in Release 1.0.5 beta * new faces configurator * new validator (Regular Expressions) * new validator (Equal) * new component (rssticker) * new component (dataScroller) * new component (jscookMenu) * modified renderers to comply with version 1.1 of the spec * modified dataList to support active components (comandLink, ...) * bug #955111 RestoreState of outputText with mixed ValueBinding attribute * bug #962084 rowClasses in GridRenderer * bug #967991 Action always called twice * bug #952385 decorator only for Viewhandler available * bug #957938 map-entries in faces-config.xml * bug #970747 Incorrect rendering of