Checklist for tasks to be done, when releasing of a new version =============================================================== - change version in build/, webapps/examples/inc/page_header.jsp and webapps/simple/inc/page_header.jsp - commit everything - svn tag in format "rel_1_0_3" - ant "clean-all" - ant "all" // this part of the checklist was written for a release at sourceforge and should be replaced by a new one - add new release at SF and set to "hidden" in the meantime - write some notes and paste the current release-notes as change log - upload files to SF - update file types (".gz" for examples.tgz and myfaces.tgz, "Source .gz" for src.tgz) - switch release to "active" and try out downloading (sometimes downloads where broken in past at SF) - deploy the downloaded myfaces-examples.war and test - send release monitor notice - change dynamic content on homepage - post news at SF // end of sourceforge part - post news article in wiki - post announcement on Sun JSF forum - announce on both mailing lists - add new bug tracker group for this version