Release Notes - MyFaces CODI - Version 1.0.0 ** Bug * [EXTCDI-184] - mojarra causes a ContextNotActiveException * [EXTCDI-205] - GroupedConversationContext#isActive crashes with a NPE if FacesContext is not active or null ** Improvement * [EXTCDI-182] - invocation order for internal phase-listeners * [EXTCDI-196] - advanced version of ValidatorFactory#usingContext * [EXTCDI-197] - artifacts of the scripting module should be serializable * [EXTCDI-200] - TransactionalInterceptor: flush EntityManagers before commit * [EXTCDI-202] - simple OSGi support ** New Feature * [EXTCDI-174] - Introduce @PropertyActivated or @ConfigActivated * [EXTCDI-180] - dependency injection support for ExceptionHandler * [EXTCDI-181] - ViewExpiredException should be displayed by the DefaultErrorView * [EXTCDI-185] - optional property file based configuration * [EXTCDI-188] - BeanResolver * [EXTCDI-193] - messageContext support in el-expressions ** Task * [EXTCDI-44] - test the compatibility of codi-conversations * [EXTCDI-147] - create unit tests for all extension points to test custom implementations * [EXTCDI-177] - workaround for the @Alternative issue of weld * [EXTCDI-187] - move @ProjectStageActivated, Deactivatable and ClassDeactivator to the activation package * [EXTCDI-191] - workaround for the weld bean-caching issue * [EXTCDI-192] - re-visit GenericResolver * [EXTCDI-195] - Rename ClassLevelValidator to ClassLevelConstraintValidator * [EXTCDI-199] - re-visit maven id's of dist modules * [EXTCDI-201] - Use maven-dependency-plugin instead of shade to produce bundle artifacts * [EXTCDI-203] - test compatibility with jboss as v7