Release Notes - MyFaces Core - Version 1.1.2-SNAPSHOT ** Bug * [MYFACES-27] - JSCookmenu cannot be used for storing data * [MYFACES-32] - Multiple browser window problem with server state saving * [MYFACES-154] - checkbox and listbox do not handler converters well * [MYFACES-210] - Undesired dependency on ApplicationImpl in FacesConfigurator * [MYFACES-290] - x:datascroller does not have the immediate attribute to by pass the validation and update model phase * [MYFACES-320] - selectOneRadio does not properly persist its value * [MYFACES-351] - [tree2] Cannot dynamically add or delete nodes * [MYFACES-394] - Using "/faces/*" path mapping and connectiong to "faces" causes stack overflow * [MYFACES-428] - InputDate(s) within dataTable submitting incorrect dates * [MYFACES-430] - inputDate (calendar) and French Locale * [MYFACES-438] - [tree2] Selected node is lost when navigating to another page * [MYFACES-443] - javax.faces.render.Renderer.encodeChildren() should encode children * [MYFACES-450] - Can't use against a Tomahawk component * [MYFACES-476] - commandButton doesn't renders well the application-dependent image urls * [MYFACES-488] - Weird re-rendered in tagfiles tags inside subviews inside aliasbean inside panelgrid. * [MYFACES-543] - Problems handling simultaneous request from the same session * [MYFACES-568] - tree2 TreeState wrong after node deletion/reposition, causes Servlet Exception * [MYFACES-581] - Frames * [MYFACES-588] - JSCookMenu separator bug - phantom item * [MYFACES-589] - inputCalendar localized month names problem * [MYFACES-595] - Context Problems when using target option in commandLink * [MYFACES-599] - Potential NullPointerException from HtmlResponseWriterImpl.writeAttribute() * [MYFACES-605] - FacesContext.getResponseStream/getResponseWriter unimplemented * [MYFACES-609] - t:dataScroller fires unnecessary ScrollerActionEvents * [MYFACES-610] - Getting IllegalStateException exception when setting javax.faces.STATE_SAVING_METHOD to "server" * [MYFACES-618] - Tree2 Expand/Collapse Handled By Server does not work (old opened issue MYFACES-291 still here) * [MYFACES-622] - HtmlSelectManyCheckbox rendering is flawed * [MYFACES-626] - org.apache.myfaces.el.getType(Object base, int index) return null if base instanceof Object[] * [MYFACES-627] - valueChangeListener not called for elements in HtmlDataTable * [MYFACES-630] - StartupServletContextListener should ignore missing web.xml * [MYFACES-635] - Calendar popup is incorrectly positioned inside scrolling div * [MYFACES-637] - Atrribute 'value' is not rendered in combination with 'enabledOnUserRole' * [MYFACES-639] - wrong renderer for HtmlCommandSortHeader * [MYFACES-642] - is not disabled if attribute 'enabledOnUserRole' is used and user isn't in role * [MYFACES-643] - InputSuggestAjax does not work when javax.faces.STATE_SAVING_METHOD=server * [MYFACES-644] - InputDate doesn't parses submitted seconds * [MYFACES-646] - accepts invalid date input * [MYFACES-649] - Possible NPE in ViewTag.setProperties * [MYFACES-651] - DigesterFacesConfigDispenserImpl.feedFacesContextFactory() broken * [MYFACES-653] - org.apache.myfaces.renderkit.html.HTML.AUTOCOMPLETE_ATTR has private visibility * [MYFACES-656] - data conversion problems??? * [MYFACES-662] - displayValueOnly property on HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox throws ClassCastException during rendering * [MYFACES-665] - StartupServletContextListener crashes if all jars placed in webapp * [MYFACES-669] - Validation error * [MYFACES-671] - Component t:collapsiblePanel , on open action will submit the form and call validators * [MYFACES-676] - DataScroller: Wrong infos with an empty collection * [MYFACES-677] - HtmlSelectOneMenu conversion error with SelectItemGroup * [MYFACES-678] - Can't find "org.apache.myfaces.Message" when HtmlMessageTag.getRendererType() is invoked * [MYFACES-681] - Javascript error in component * [MYFACES-685] - Error in displaying on a page * [MYFACES-686] - ValueBindingImpl.isReadOnly() delivers false when an Exception is thrown, why? * [MYFACES-687] - aliasBean which includes elements with valueBinding attribute crashes during restoreView * [MYFACES-688] - displayValueOnly property on HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox throws ClassCastException during rendering, second approach * [MYFACES-690] - tree2 server-side-toggle example: Encountered a node [0:0:0] + with an illogical state... * [MYFACES-691] - t:dataList does not style
  • elements * [MYFACES-692] - AjaxPhaseListener does not work with forceId * [MYFACES-693] - select Combo Box is displayed over popup component instead of hiding behind * [MYFACES-695] - date.js in inputCalendar isn't compatible with IE * [MYFACES-696] - Using t:navigationMenuItem inside a form is not working. Id assign problemm. * [MYFACES-697] - Non-standard behaviour of t:navigationMenuItem (in t:jscookMenu) breaks facelets * [MYFACES-700] - incompatible change to jscookMenu * [MYFACES-702] - outputText generates wrapped span element in a portal * [MYFACES-703] - Invalid rederer under RI * [MYFACES-704] - Misleading error message: "a context listener is not setup in your web.xml" * [MYFACES-705] - Overflow problem with InputSuggestAjax * [MYFACES-711] - Date tag does not display properly, javascript errors are returned * [MYFACES-712] - inputCalendar : Internationalization problem * [MYFACES-713] - wrong component type for InputSuggest prevents disabling * [MYFACES-715] - ArrayStoreException in _SharedRendererUtils.getConvertedUISelectManyValue() * [MYFACES-716] - Problem using JSF input components with DataList * [MYFACES-717] - No way to make selection from code in Tree2 * [MYFACES-718] - ExternalContext.redirect does not call responseComplete() * [MYFACES-721] - DataTable erroneously discard saved state when validation error in non child field * [MYFACES-723] - ApplicationImpl: German "ist" instead of "is" in error messages * [MYFACES-724] - ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.myfaces.examples.inputSuggestAjax.InputSuggestAjaxBean * [MYFACES-727] - AddResource is outputting the resource under the if it exists in a datatable * [MYFACES-729] - x:dataTabel not displaying the correct values * [MYFACES-733] - javax.faces.el.PropertyNotFoundException: Bean: org.hibernate.collection.PersistentSet, property: id * [MYFACES-736] - Number converter not working with Number * [MYFACES-737] - JSCookMenu can't be used as a child of a form, and AddResources code for custom themes is incomplete * [MYFACES-739] - Null Pointer Exception * [MYFACES-740] - HtmlDataTable.getClientId() should use info() not warn() when using forcedIdIndex * [MYFACES-743] - Javascript conflict between x:tree2 and x:inputCalendar * [MYFACES-746] - tabChangeListener doesn´t work * [MYFACES-749] - inputText refresh problem * [MYFACES-750] - Need synchronization in LifecycleImpl * [MYFACES-753] - HtmlDataList.processDecodes processes its children twice * [MYFACES-755] - HTML links "onclick" - if "onsubmit" function exists, it's required to explicitly return "true" (returning nothing considered as "false" and clicking the link doesn't submit the form) * [MYFACES-757] - Using a custom getActionURL creates a 404 error * [MYFACES-762] - Error after calling session.invalidate() - Cannot get value for expression '#{ScopeContainer}' * [MYFACES-764] - AddResource has changes that break custom classes and JSP pages using javascriptLocation * [MYFACES-767] - Programming error in HtmlTextareaRenderer * [MYFACES-768] - ReducedHTMLParser issues * [MYFACES-772] - stops working with Facelets * [MYFACES-773] - serverSideTabSwitch attribute in x:panelTabbedPane shows wrong behaviour * [MYFACES-774] - UIComponentTagUtils.setActionProperty checks for UICommand instead of ActionSource * [MYFACES-775] - Exception in inputDate * [MYFACES-777] - AddResource uses static StringBuffer ADDITIONAL_JAVASCRIPT_TO_BODY_TAG for per-request data * [MYFACES-783] - t:tree2: javascript error in some version of IE * [MYFACES-784] - Popup component renders an empty box at the 0px origin in addition to the offset popup window IF margin-top:-0px or margin-left:0px; are set to a value other than 0px (200px for example) * [MYFACES-785] - Docs refer to non-existant spec. section * [MYFACES-786] - not spec-compliant * [MYFACES-805] - The first part of the examples-config.xml file for the sandbox examples is missing * [MYFACES-815] - t:inputCalendar "Required" not functioning correctly * [MYFACES-825] - AddResource creates invalid body tag * [MYFACES-826] - BUG in the inputDate component relating with the jsf(RI) selectOneMenu component * [MYFACES-827] - The facet for popup component only accept components with children * [MYFACES-829] - with value bound to an array of int fails * [MYFACES-833] - HtmlFormRendererBase saves form state before components have been rendered - breaks auto id generation * [MYFACES-838] - Tomahawk column tag gets: Unable to find setter method for attribute: footerstyleClass * [MYFACES-841] - 500 error w/ collapsiblePanel example * [MYFACES-842] - Typo in t:htmlTag documentation * [MYFACES-845] - quote in html link causes javascript error * [MYFACES-846] - tomahawk.tld contains

    tags within description tag * [MYFACES-847] - NPE w/ UpdateActionListener when @property is Serializable * [MYFACES-848] - JsValueChangeListener has a JavaScript error if the index chnages on a datatable * [MYFACES-849] - tomahawk HtmlSelectOneMenuTag has no setter corresponding to TLD declared attribute 'escape' * [MYFACES-850] - Tomahawk HtmlCollapsabiblePanelTag and SelectOneCountryTag have no setter for "enableOnUserRole" * [MYFACES-851] - Tomahawk HtmlCollapsiblePanelTag has no setter for "collapsed" * [MYFACES-852] - Exception while using SelectManyListbox, SelectManyCheckbox or SelectOneRadio with a Converter. * [MYFACES-853] - commandLink not working inside dataList * [MYFACES-854] - Problem w/ InputSuggestAjax popup suggestion list * [MYFACES-857] - Duplicate id in subview * [MYFACES-860] - tomahawk.tld and myfaces_ext.tld is malformed errors in weblogic log * [MYFACES-867] - myfaces examples support for JSP 1.2 / Servlet 2.3 containers * [MYFACES-870] - IE6: NPE in JavaScript when using * [MYFACES-873] - InputSuggestAjax: False Encoding with German Umlauts * [MYFACES-874] - popup not rendering over