Mesos uses the "Google Logging library": and writes logs to @MESOS_HOME/logs@ by default, where @MESOS_HOME@ is the location where Mesos is installed. The log directory can be "configured":Configuration.textile using the @log_dir@ parameter. Frameworks that run on Mesos have their output stored to a "work" directory on each machine. By default, this is @MESOS_HOME/work@. Within this directory, a framework's output is placed in files called @stdout@ and @stderr@ in a directory of the form @slave-X/fw-Y/Z@, where X is the slave ID, Y is the framework ID, and multiple subdirectories Z are created for each attempt to run an executor for the framework. These files can also be accessed via the web UI of the slave daemon. Finally, using an "alpha code branch": which (at the time of this writing) is still in an alpha state, structured logs of cluster activity can be written to a tab-separated text file or a SQLite database using the "event history" system.