/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package mesos; option java_package = "org.apache.mesos"; option java_outer_classname = "Protos"; /** * Status is used to indicate the state of the scheduler and executor * driver after function calls. */ enum Status { DRIVER_NOT_STARTED = 1; DRIVER_RUNNING = 2; DRIVER_ABORTED = 3; DRIVER_STOPPED = 4; } /** * A unique ID assigned to a framework. A framework can reuse this ID * in order to do failover (see MesosSchedulerDriver). */ message FrameworkID { required string value = 1; } /** * A unique ID assigned to an offer. */ message OfferID { required string value = 1; } /** * A unique ID assigned to a slave. Currently, a slave gets a new ID * whenever it (re)registers with Mesos. Framework writers shouldn't * assume any binding between a slave ID and and a hostname. */ message SlaveID { required string value = 1; } /** * A framework generated ID to distinguish a task. The ID must remain * unique while the task is active. However, a framework can reuse an * ID _only_ if a previous task with the same ID has reached a * terminal state (e.g., TASK_FINISHED, TASK_LOST, TASK_KILLED, etc.). */ message TaskID { required string value = 1; } /** * A framework generated ID to distinguish an executor. Only one * executor with the same ID can be active on the same slave at a * time. */ message ExecutorID { required string value = 1; } /** * Describes a framework. If the user field is set to an empty string * Mesos will automagically set it to the current user. Note that the * ID is only available after a framework has registered, however, it * is included here in order to facilitate scheduler failover (i.e., * if it is set then the MesosSchedulerDriver expects the scheduler is * performing failover). */ message FrameworkInfo { required string user = 1; required string name = 2; optional FrameworkID id = 3; } /** * Describes a command, executed via: '/bin/sh -c value'. Any uri's * specified are fetched before executing the command. * If executable field for an uri is set, executable file permission * is set on the downloaded file. Also, if the downloaded file has ".tgz" * extension it is extracted into the executor's working directory. * In addition, any environment variables are set before executing * the command (so they can be used to "parameterize" your command). */ message CommandInfo { message URI { required string value = 1; optional bool executable = 2; } repeated URI uris = 1; optional Environment environment = 2; required string value = 3; } /** * Describes information about an executor. The 'params' field can be * used to set environment variables for the executor. The 'data' * field can be used to pass arbitrary bytes to an executor. */ message ExecutorInfo { required ExecutorID executor_id = 1; required CommandInfo command = 7; repeated Resource resources = 5; optional bytes data = 4; } /** * Describes a master. This will probably have more fields in the * future which might be used, for example, to link a framework webui * to a master webui. */ message MasterInfo { required string id = 1; required uint32 ip = 2; required uint32 port = 3; } /** * Describes a slave. The 'webui_hostname' and 'webui_port' are * provided in the event a host has different private and public * hostnames (e.g., Amazon EC2). Note that the 'id' field is only * available after a slave is registered with the master, and is made * available here to facilitate re-registration. */ message SlaveInfo { required string hostname = 1; // TODO(benh,andyk): Send bound ports, not just hostname. required string webui_hostname = 2; optional int32 webui_port = 4 [default = 8081]; repeated Resource resources = 3; repeated Attribute attributes = 5; optional SlaveID id = 6; } /** * Describes an Attribute or Resource "value". A value is described * using the standard protocol buffer "union" trick. */ message Value { enum Type { SCALAR = 0; RANGES = 1; SET = 2; TEXT = 3; } message Scalar { required double value = 1; } message Range { required uint64 begin = 1; required uint64 end = 2; } message Ranges { repeated Range range = 1; } message Set { repeated string item = 1; } message Text { required string value = 1; } required Type type = 1; optional Scalar scalar = 2; optional Ranges ranges = 3; optional Set set = 4; optional Text text = 5; } /** * Describes an attribute that can be set on a machine. For now, * attributes and resources share the same "value" type, but this may * change in the future and attributes may only be string based. */ message Attribute { required string name = 1; required Value.Type type = 2; optional Value.Scalar scalar = 3; optional Value.Ranges ranges = 4; optional Value.Set set = 6; optional Value.Text text = 5; } /** * Describes a resource on a machine. A resource can take on one of * three types: scalar (double), a list of finite and discrete ranges * (e.g., [1-10, 20-30]), or a set of items. A resource is described * using the standard protocol buffer "union" trick. * * TODO(benh): Add better support for "expected" resources (e.g., * cpus, memory, disk, network). */ message Resource { required string name = 1; required Value.Type type = 2; optional Value.Scalar scalar = 3; optional Value.Ranges ranges = 4; optional Value.Set set = 5; } /** * Describes a request for resources that can be used by a framework * to proactively influence the allocator. If 'slave_id' is provided * then this request is assumed to only apply to resources on that * slave. */ message Request { optional SlaveID slave_id = 1; repeated Resource resources = 2; } /** * Describes some resources available on a slave. An offer only * contains resources from a single slave. */ message Offer { required OfferID id = 1; required FrameworkID framework_id = 2; required SlaveID slave_id = 3; required string hostname = 4; repeated Resource resources = 5; repeated Attribute attributes = 7; repeated ExecutorID executor_ids = 6; } /** * Describes a task. Passed from the scheduler all the way to an * executor (see SchedulerDriver::launchTasks and * Executor::launchTask). If no executor is specified then the default * executor is assumed (see FrameworkInfo). Otherwise, a different * executor can be used to launch this task, and subsequent tasks * meant for the same executor can reuse the same ExecutorInfo struct. */ message TaskInfo { required string name = 1; required TaskID task_id = 2; required SlaveID slave_id = 3; repeated Resource resources = 4; optional ExecutorInfo executor = 5; optional CommandInfo command = 7; optional bytes data = 6; } /** * Describes possible task states. IMPORTANT: Mesos assumes tasks that * enter terminal states (see below) imply the task is no longer * running and thus clean up any thing associated with the task * (ultimately offering any resources being consumed by that task to * another task). */ enum TaskState { TASK_STAGING = 6; // Initial state. Framework status updates should not use. TASK_STARTING = 0; TASK_RUNNING = 1; TASK_FINISHED = 2; // TERMINAL. TASK_FAILED = 3; // TERMINAL. TASK_KILLED = 4; // TERMINAL. TASK_LOST = 5; // TERMINAL. } /** * Describes the current status of a task. */ message TaskStatus { required TaskID task_id = 1; required TaskState state = 2; optional string message = 4; // Possible message explaining state. optional bytes data = 3; } /** * Describes possible filters that can be applied to unused resources * (see SchedulerDriver::launchTasks) to influence the allocator. */ message Filters { // Time to consider unused resources refused. optional double refuse_seconds = 1; } /** * Describes a collection of environment variables. This is used with * CommandInfo in order to set environment variables before running a * command. */ message Environment { message Variable { required string name = 1; required string value = 2; } repeated Variable variables = 1; } /** * A generic (key, value) pair used in various places for parameters. */ message Parameter { required string key = 1; required string value = 2; } /** * Collection of Parameter. */ message Parameters { repeated Parameter parameter = 1; }