Project Modules

This project has declared the following modules:

Maven Wagon File ProviderWagon that gets and puts artifacts using file system protocol
Maven Wagon FTP ProviderWagon that gets and puts artifacts from and to remote server using FTP protocol
Maven Wagon Lightweight HTTP ProviderWagon that gets and puts artifacts through http using standard Java library
Maven Wagon HTTP ProviderWagon that gets and puts artifacts through http using Apache commons-httpclient
Maven Wagon HTTP Shared LibraryShared Library for the wagon-http, and wagon-http-lightweight wagon providers.
Maven Wagon SCM ProviderWagon that gets and puts artifacts using a Source Control Management system
Maven Wagon SSH External ProviderWagon that gets and puts artifacts using SSH protocol with a preinstalled SSH client
Maven Wagon SSH Common Library-
Maven Wagon SSH Common Tests-
Maven Wagon SSH Provider-
Maven Wagon WebDav ProviderWagon that gets and puts artifacts through webdav protocol