Class TestProvidingInputStream

    • Constructor Detail

      • TestProvidingInputStream

        public TestProvidingInputStream​(Queue<String> testClassNames)
        testClassNames - source of the tests to be read from this stream
    • Method Detail

      • skipSinceNextTest

        public void skipSinceNextTest()
        Description copied from interface: NotifiableTestStream
        Sends an event to a fork jvm in order to skip tests. Returns immediately without blocking.
      • shutdown

        public void shutdown​(Shutdown shutdownType)
      • noop

        public void noop()
      • acknowledgeByeEventReceived

        public void acknowledgeByeEventReceived()
      • isClosed

        public boolean isClosed()
      • provideNewTest

        public void provideNewTest()
        Signal that a new test is to be provided.
      • close

        public void close()