All Classes and Interfaces

Default implementation of MasterProcessChannelProcessorFactory.
Constants used by the serializer/deserializer
Knows how to serialize and deserialize the booter configuration.
Configuration for forking tests.
An ordered list of classpath elements with set behaviour A Classpath is immutable and thread safe.
Represents the classpaths for the BooterConfiguration.
magic number : opcode [: opcode specific data]*
Reader of commands coming from plugin(master) process.
magic number : opcode : run mode [: opcode specific data]*
The part of the booter that is unique to a forked vm.
Loads classes from jar files added via IsolatedClassLoader.addURL(URL).
A key-value source obeying the geneal constrains of java.util.Properties
Producer of encoder and decoder for process pipes.
Jigsaw class-path and module-path.
Represents the surefire configuration that passes all the way into the provider classloader and the provider.
Creates the surefire provider.
Configuration that is used by the SurefireStarter but does not make it into the provider itself.
Encapsulates exceptions thrown during Surefire forking.
An error occurring during the invocation of Surefire via an alternate class loader.
Producer of TCP/IP encoder and decoder.
Does reflection based invocation of the surefire methods.
JDK 9 support.