All Classes and Interfaces

TODO: Better support for entire filesets.
SCM Provider for git
This test tests the remote info command.
SCM Provider for Subversion
Add a file set to the project.
Result of adding files to the SCM
CommandLine extension to mask password
Pull the project source from the configured scm and execute the configured goals.
This test tests the branch command.
Branch the project.
A set of information about revisions of a file as returned by SCM's log command
Test Changlog command.
Dump changelog contents to console.
This test tests the check out command.
Commit changes to the configured scm url.
This mojo will fail the build if there is any local modifications
This test tests the check out command.
Get a fresh copy of the latest source from the configured scm url.
This test tests the diff command.
Display the difference of the working copy with the latest copy in the configured scm url.
Edit/lock a set of files.
Get a fresh exported copy of the latest source from the configured scm url.
Parses the --porcelain format of git-blame For more information about the porcelain format, please read the official GIT blame porcelain format description.
Command line construction utility.
Command utilities for git commands.
This logger parses the output of git symbolic-ref HEAD to determine the current branch.
This test tests the remove command.
This test tests the untag command.
Class GitXpp3Reader.
Class GitXpp3Writer.
Display help information on maven-scm-plugin.
Call mvn scm:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=<goal-name> to display parameter details.
Add no recursive.
Mercurial changeset
Available/Used hg commands.
Check hg installation.
Base consumer to do common parsing for all hg commands.
Get a list of all files in the repository
Get a list of all files in the repository
Get a list of outgoing changes
Mercurial (HG) is a decentralized revision control system.
Common code for executing hg commands.
Thrown when the output of an svn log command isn't recognized.
This provider uses the following strategy to discover the committer and author name/mail for a commit: "user" section in .gitconfig "username" passed to maven execution default git config (system user and hostname for email) the "maven-scm" config can be configured like this:
the default email domain to be used (will be used to create an email from the username passed to maven):
git config --global maven-scm.maildomain
you can also enforce the usage of the username for the author and committer:
git config --global maven-scm.forceUsername true
Implementation of TransportConfigCallback which adds a public/private key identity to ssh URLs if configured.
JGit utility functions.
This test tests the list command.
Get the list of project files.
Class LocalScmMetadata.
Utils for dealing with LocalScmMetadata
Class LocalScmMetadataXpp3Reader.
Class LocalScmMetadataXpp3Writer.
This test tests the mkdir command.
Result of making directories in SCM.
CredentialsProvider leveraging the Prompter component.
Based on PlexusTestCase from org.sonatype.sisu:sisu-inject-plexus.
This test tests the remove command.
Mark a set of files for deletion.
This class is a container which holds information about repository URL.
Set of files used for SCM operations.
TODO move to a real enum
Stub implementation of ScmManager for unit testing purposes.
SshdSessionFactory considering the settings from GitScmProviderRepository.
Stub for ScmProviderRepository for unit testing purposes.
Stub implementation of ScmProvider for unit testing purposes.
Stub for ScmRepository for unit testing purposes.
Base class for SCM wrapped parameters.
Base class for all TcK tests.
Base class for all SCM tests.
parameters used by implementation to perform untag operation
A utility class that validates and parses scm url:s.
Class Settings.
Class Settings.
This test tests the status command.
Display the modification status of the files in the configured scm url.
This test tests the branch command.
Command line construction utility.
Command utilities for svn commands.
Command to list files in SVN ( svn list command )
Test for list command
This test tests the tag command.
scm:untag for provider svn is done by removing the tag dir
This test tests the tag command.
Class SvnXpp3Reader.
Class SvnXpp3Writer.
This test tests the tag command.
Tag the project.
Thread-safe version of java.text.DateFormat.
Unedit/unlock a set of files.
This test tests the untag command.
Untag the project.
This test tests the update command.
Update the local working copy with the latest source from the configured scm url.
Updates all projects in a multi project build.
Validate scm connection string.
Validate scm connection string recursively for all projects