• Handle replicas
  • Issue package on checkin - from a special file?
  • Issues in changelog output
  • consider using a property to specify workspace name. (or pattern %s replaced with basisStream+baseName)
  • Create workspaces with include rules to only include /project/path.
  • Property switch so reftrees are used instead of workspaces. At first glance reftrees suit the Continuum use case. However many a failed build is fixed in the build environment and then promoted. So reftrees are just a workspace without that capability.
  • Raise JIRA to propose equivalence of non-persistent checkout and "export" Only seems to impact Perforce + AccuRev but all downstream use must "set" a flag on the repository. Would prefer they retrieved a flag and then choose whether to call checkout or export.
  • Raise JIRA against maven-scm to have the tck tests support this properly or change the default of persistCheckout to true.
  • raise case with AccuRev to allow an external populate to an ignored sub directory of a workspace.
  • raise JIRA for Export to support a projectPath like checkout does.
  • Filter results based on supplied fileSet.
  • Filter results based on URL's project path.
  • Question why blame uses CommandParameter.FILE instead of just the fileset, also why not blame on a version?