Uses of Package

Packages that use org.eclipse.aether.transfer
The primary API of the RepositorySystem and its functionality.
Support for downloads/uploads using remote repositories that have a URI-based content structure/layout.
The provisional interfaces defining the various subcomponents that implement the repository system.
The various sub components that collectively implement the repository system.
Utility classes to ease unit testing.
The contract to access artifacts/metadata in remote repositories.
The support infrastructure for repository connectors to apply checksum policies when validating the integrity of downloaded files.
The contract to locate URI-based resources using custom repository layouts.
The contract to download/upload URI-based resources using custom transport protocols.
A listener and various exception types dealing with the transfer of a resource between the local system and a remote repository.
Support for downloads/uploads via the HTTP and HTTPS protocols.
Support for downloads that utilize the classpath as "remote" storage.
Support for downloads/uploads using the local filesystem as "remote" storage.
Support for downloads/uploads via the HTTP and HTTPS protocols.
Support for downloads/uploads via the HTTP and HTTPS protocols.
Support for downloads/uploads using Apache Maven Wagon.
Utilities to build repository and transfer listeners.