Third-party integrations

Maven Resolver provided option for third-party integration using ServiceLocator (SL) from the beginning. Back when SL was implemented, the DI container in use with Resolver and Maven was the Plexus DI container, that had its own limitations: no constructor injection among others. Hence, the two was somewhat aligned with each other. Today, with Sisu DI, this is not true anymore: we want to use constructor injection for components, but SL is always getting into our way forcing us to always add default constructor to components. Hence, decision was made, and SL was deprecated while ago, and is about to be dropped in Resolver 2.0.0 release.

Resolver does provide alternative solution for those third-party integrations, where the (recommended) Sisu DI is not available or cannot be used for some reason. All the resolver integrations starting with release 1.9.15 can start migrating off the SL to current solution described below.

Maven Resolver Supplier

A new simple module maven-resolver-supplier serves the purpose to “bootstrap” resolver instance when there is no desire to use Eclipse Sisu DI. It provides one simple class org.eclipse.aether.supplier.RepositorySystemSupplier that implements Supplier<RepositorySystem> and supplies new, ready-to-use RepositorySystem instance for each call. Class is intentionally simplistic, no instance caching or anything alike is present: all that is concern of caller, just like proper shutdown of the created resolver instances is.

The RepositorySystemSession should be created using the org.apache.maven.repository.internal.MavenRepositorySystemUtils#newSession() method and local repository added to it in usual way (there is no change in this area).

The supplier class is written in a way, to allow easy customization if needed: just extend the class and override method as needed (all methods are protected).

Consumer/users of this module must provide SLF4J implementation in classpath. Resolver uses slf4j-api for logging purposes, but this module does NOT provide any implementation for it as a dependency. It is the consumer/user obligation to provide one at runtime.

Version of maven-resolver-supplier artifact in use must be strictly aligned with other Resolver artifacts on classpath and Maven version.

An example usage (and customization) of supplier can be seen in Maven Resolver Ant Tasks 1.5.0.

Resolver configuration

By default, “full resolver experience” is provided:

  • for connector, the connector-basic is provided
  • for transport the two transport-file and transport-http implementations are provided. If Wagon is needed, add transport-wagon as dependency (see Extending Resolver below).

The supplier will provide fully usable instance. To configure resolver, use session user (or configuration) properties, when constructing session. All the configuration options are available as listed here.

Extending Supplied Resolver

Extending supplied resolver is simple, and basically requires same three steps for whatever extra you want to include (like Wagon transport, distributed locking, etc).

  • First, you need to include needed module (with transitive deps) to your dependencies.
  • Second, you need to customize RepositorySystemSupplier by extending it, and to make new components available (by adding WagonTransporterFactory to transport factories, or distributed lock factories to lock factories).
  • Third, you need to configure session (via user or configuration properties) to make Resolver use newly added components.