CPD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 6.46.0.


File Line
org/eclipse/aether/internal/test/util/ArtifactDefinition.java 42
org/eclipse/aether/internal/test/util/IniArtifactDataReader.java 302
ArtifactDefinition( String def )
        this.definition = def.trim();

        if ( definition.startsWith( "(" ) )
            int idx = definition.indexOf( ')' );
            this.id = definition.substring( 1, idx );
            this.definition = definition.substring( idx + 1 );
        else if ( definition.startsWith( "^" ) )
            this.reference = definition.substring( 1 );

        String[] split = definition.split( ":" );
        if ( split.length < 4 )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Need definition like 'gid:aid:ext:ver[:scope]', but was: "
                + definition );
        groupId = split[0];
        artifactId = split[1];
        extension = split[2];
        version = split[3];
        if ( split.length > 4 )
            scope = split[4];
        if ( split.length > 5 )