
Contains plugin version information related to which version of a particular plugin to use, when and how to update plugins, and which versions of a plugin have already been declined for update.



Root element of the plugin registry file.

Element Type Description
updateInterval String Specifies how often to check for plugin updates. Valid values are: never, always, interval:XXX. For the interval specification, XXX denotes a terse interval specification, such as 4h. Where h=hours, m=minutes, d=days, w=weeks. The interval period should be specified in descending order of granularity, like this: '[n]w [n]d [n]h [n]m'. Any omitted level of granularity will be assumed to be a zero value.
Default value is: never.
autoUpdate String Specifies whether the user should be prompted to update plugins.
checkLatest String Whether to resolve plugin versions using LATEST metadata.
plugins/plugin* List<Plugin> (Many) Specified plugin update policy information.


Policy for updating a single plugin.

Element Type Description
groupId String No description.
artifactId String No description.
lastChecked String [format: yyyy-MM-dd.HH:mm:ss Z] Specifies the date/time at which this plugin was last checked.
useVersion String The current version of this plugin, to be used until the appropriate update actions happen.
rejectedVersions/rejectedVersion* List<String> (Many) The list of versions for this plugin that the user declined to "install"