
Contains plugin version information related to which version of a particular plugin to use, when and how to update plugins, and which versions of a plugin have already been declined for update.



Root element of the plugin registry file.

Element Description
updateInterval Specifies how often to check for plugin updates. Valid values are: never, always, interval:XXX. For the interval specification, XXX denotes a terse interval specification, such as 4h. Where h=hours, m=minutes, d=days, w=weeks. The interval period should be specified in descending order of granularity, like this: '[n]w [n]d [n]h [n]m'. Any omitted level of granularity will be assumed to be a zero value. The default value is never.
autoUpdate Specifies whether the user should be prompted to update plugins.
checkLatest Whether to resolve plugin versions using LATEST metadata.
plugins Specified plugin update policy information.


Policy for updating a single plugin.

Element Description
groupId No description.
artifactId No description.
lastChecked [format: yyyy-MM-dd.HH:mm:ss Z] Specifies the date/time at which this plugin was last checked.
useVersion The current version of this plugin, to be used until the appropriate update actions happen.
rejectedVersions The list of versions for this plugin that the user declined to "install"