Interface AssemblyArchiver

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface AssemblyArchiver
Creates an archive
  • Method Details

    • createArchive

      File createArchive(Assembly assembly, String fullName, String format, AssemblerConfigurationSource configSource, boolean recompressZippedFiles, String mergeManifestMode, Date sourceDateEpoch) throws ArchiveCreationException, AssemblyFormattingException, InvalidAssemblerConfigurationException
      Create the assembly archive. Generally:
      1. Setup any directory structures for temporary files
      2. Calculate the output directory/file for the assembly
      3. Setup any handler components for special descriptor files we may encounter
      4. Lookup and configure the Archiver to be used
      5. Determine what, if any, dependency resolution will be required, and resolve any dependency-version conflicts up front to produce a managed-version map for the whole assembly process.
      6. Iterate through the available AssemblyArchiverPhase instances, executing each to handle a different top-level section of the assembly descriptor, if that section is present.
      assembly - The Assembly
      fullName - The full name.
      format - The format.
      configSource - The AssemblerConfigurationSource
      recompressZippedFiles - recompress zipped files.
      mergeManifestMode - How to handle already existing Manifest files (skip, merge, mergewithoutmain)
      sourceDateEpoch - Timestamp for reproducible archive entries
      The resulting archive file.
      ArchiveCreationException - when creation fails
      AssemblyFormattingException - when formatting fails
      InvalidAssemblerConfigurationException - when the configuration is bad