Apache Maven 1.x has reached its end of life, and is no longer supported. For more information, see the announcement. Users are encouraged to migrate to the current version of Apache Maven.
Update docs on overview page set maven.xdoc.version to 1.0 for the site update to use maven.docs.*/maven.gen.docs update to velocity 1.4-dev Change from ${basedir}/multiproject/navigation.xml to ${maven.docs.src}/navigation.xml as the nav source for user supplied nav templates Bad j:set tags fixed Made aggregation directory configurable, use artifactId instead of name for creating site directories / URLs. Updated multiproject:site to automate navigation generation for all projects Added multiproject 'install', 'install-snapshot', 'deploy' and 'deploy-snapshot' facility Rename plugin from reactor to multiproject to reduce confusion Initial creation during 1.0-beta 10 dev phase