We are pleased to announce the Maven Distribution Plugin 1.7-SNAPSHOT release! http://maven.apache.org/maven-1.x/plugins/dist/ =============================================================================== Changes in this version include: New Features: o Allow to configure to which files should use CRLF/LF line endings in archives. Fixes MPDIST-27,MPDIST-28. Thanks to Phil Steitz. o Added multiproject analogs mirroring single project goals. Also added the abiltiy to generate combined javadocs for multiproject distribution. However multiproject consolidation might be best put into the site plugin. These fixes are associated with the following JIRA enhancement issue. o Added maven.dist.bin.artifact property. Fixes MPDIST-13. Fixed bugs: o dist:prepare-src-filesystem doesn't recognize maven.ant.generatebuild.file. Fixes MPDIST-24. Changes: o Fix compatibility with the version of ant plugin newer or equal to 1.10. o New maven.dist.src.include property. Fixes MPDIST-15. Thanks to Fabrizio Giustina. o Update dependencies to match ones in maven 1.1 core and to unify them between plugins. The following dependencies are updated : commons-logging v1.0.3 to v1.0.4, maven v1.0 to v1.0.2, maven-model v3.0.0 to v3.0.1 Fixes MAVEN-1712. o It requires at least maven-artifact-plugin v1.3. o Make compatible with Maven 1.1 o Don't generate ant build file, call maven-ant-plugin before or set a preGoal o Add NOTICE file to distribution Removed features: o Removed unused properties: maven.dist.tar.executable and maven.dist.gunzip.executable. Fixes MPDIST-18. =============================================================================== To automatically install the plugin, type the following on a single line: maven plugin:download -Dmaven.repo.remote=http://www.ibiblio.org/maven,http://people.apache.org/repository/ -DgroupId=maven -DartifactId=maven-dist-plugin -Dversion=1.7-SNAPSHOT For a manual installation, you can download the plugin here: http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/java-repository/maven/plugins/maven-dist-plugin-1.7-SNAPSHOT.jar Have fun! -The Maven Distribution Plugin development team