----- Introduction ----- Hervé Boutemy ----- 2012-02-06 ----- Maven Reporting Implementation Abstract classes to manage report generation, which can be run both: * as part of a site generation (as a {{{../maven-reporting-api/}maven-reporting-api}}'s <<<{{{../maven-reporting-api/apidocs/org/apache/maven/reporting/MavenReport.html}MavenReport}}>>>), * or as a direct standalone invocation (as a {{{/ref/current/maven-plugin-api/}maven-plugin-api}}'s <<<{{{/ref/current/maven-plugin-api/apidocs/org/apache/maven/plugin/Mojo.html}Mojo}})>>>. [] * Usage Creating a new report plugin can be done by copying <<<{{{./xref-test/org/apache/maven/reporting/AbstractMavenReportTest.html}AbstractMavenReportTest.java}}>>> structure and implement a few methods. * History ** inclusion in Maven core Until Maven 2.0.4, <<>> was included in Maven 2 core distribution: version used was completely driven by Maven version used. The module was removed from Maven core starting with Maven 2.0.5 and moved to shared components to improve fexibility: starting with Maven 2.0.5, each plugin can choose its <<>> version independently from Maven. ** Doxia dependency <<>> use Doxia 1.0, then is used for reporting plugins wanting Maven 2.0.x compatibility. <<>> use Doxia 1.1: using this version implies for a reporting plugin that it has Maven 2.1 as prerequisite. <<>> use Doxia 1.2.