fileset FileSet A definition of a file-set. This model defines how file-sets can be captured, using directory, includes, and excludes.

package org.apache.maven.shared.model.fileset SetBase 1.0.0 followSymlinks 1.0.0 boolean false Specifies whether symbolic links should be traversed, or handled as-is. outputDirectory 1.0.0 String Specifies the output directory relative to the root of the root directory of the assembly. For example, "log" will put the specified files in the log directory. includes 1.0.0 String * excludes 1.0.0 String * fileMode 1.0.0 String 0644 (more on unix-style permissions) ]]> directoryMode 1.0.0 String 0755 (more on unix-style permissions) ]]> 1.0.0 FileSet 1.0.0 SetBase Defines the rules for matching and working with files in a given base directory. directory 1.0.0 String Absolute or relative from the module's directory. For example, "src/main/bin" would select this subdirectory of the project in which this dependency is defined. true lineEnding 1.0.0 String
  • "keep" - Preserve all line endings
  • "unix" - Use Unix-style line endings
  • "lf" - Use a single line-feed line endings
  • "dos" - Use DOS-style line endings
  • "crlf" - Use Carraige-return, line-feed line endings
  • ]]>