## Things that are missing in order for this to work ## - need to know what the dev mailing list is, the mailing lists are just an uncategorized list ## - Web accessible face to the distributionManagement.repository element ## - REST URL for issue management system, might need project IDs #set( $projectKey = "PROJECT_KEY" ) #set( $projectVersion = "PROJECT_VERSION" ) #set( $jira = $xmlrpc.connect("swizzletester:swizzle","http://jira.codehaus.org/rpc/xmlrpc") ) #set( $project = $jira.getProject($projectKey) ) #set( $version = $jira.getVersion( $project, $projectVersion) ) #set( $url = "http://jira.codehaus.org/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?view=rss&&pid=${project.id}&fixfor=${version.id}&tempMax=500&reset=true&decorator=none" ) #set( $issues = $rss.fetch($url).issues ) From: ${project.devMailingList} Subject: [VOTE] Release $project.name [$projectVersion] To: ${project.devMailingList} Issues Resolved for $project.name [$projectVersion]: #foreach( $issue in $issues.sort("id").sort("priority") ) [$issue.key] $issue.summary #end Deployed to: $project.distributionManagement.repositoryUrl/$project.groupId/$projectVersion/ Documentation: $project.distributionManagement.siteUrl Usage: You can can try this plugin by using "mvn -U foo".