# Cron jobs for the maven repository # IF CHANGED, make sure you change too https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/maven/repository-tools/trunk/src/bin/crontab.txt # try to make then run at pseudo-random hours and minutes to avoid high load #MAILTO=repository@maven.org # sync m1 repos and convert to m2 #28 2,14 * * * cd $HOME/bin; ./synchronize-m1.sh # sync rewrite rules to m1 repo at ibiblio 51 19 * * * cd $HOME/bin; ./synchronize-rewrite-rules-to-ibiblio.sh $HOME/bin/synchronize.properties # sync m2 repos 16 7,17 * * * cd $HOME/bin/; ./synchronize-inbound.sh # sync central to cica.es mirror 30 21 * * * cd $HOME/bin; ./synchronize-central-to-cica.sh $HOME/bin/synchronize.properties # sync central to repo.exist.com mirror #0 23 * * * cd $HOME/bin; ./synchronize-central-to-exist.sh $HOME/bin/synchronize.properties # sync central to ibiblio #5 1 * * * cd $HOME/bin; ./synchronize-central-to-ibiblio.sh $HOME/bin/synchronize.properties # run reports 34 2 * * * cd $HOME/reports; ./run.sh #run on sat morning after all the syncs 22 3 * * 6 cd $HOME/ide-indexer; ./indexer.sh