------ Usage ------ Denis Cabasson ------ 2010-01-18 ------ Usage To verify file system resources during your build, add the Verifier Plugin in your <<>> under the <<>> section. You will also need to create a {{{verifications.html}<<>>}} file that contains the verification rules. Add the path to that file to the <<>> configuration element. +-------- [...] org.apache.maven.plugins maven-verifier-plugin ${project.version} src/test/verifier/verifications-test.xml main verify verify [...] +--------- The Verifier Plugin will fail your build if the verification rules found in the <<>> fails. If you do not want the Verifier Plugin to fail your build you can set the configuration element <<<\>>> to <<>>. For a sample verifications file, see {{{examples/sample-verifications.html}Sample Verifications}}.