---- Deploy an artifact with classifier ------ Allan Ramirez ------ June 2006 ------ Deploy an artifact with classifier Classifiers are the additional text given to describe an artifact. +---+ artifact-name-1.0-bin.jar artifact-name-1.0-dev.jar artifact-name-1.0-prod.jar +---+ From the above artifact names, classifiers can be located between the version and extension name of the artifact. *<<>> is used to describe that the artifact is a binary. *<<>> is used to describe that the artifact is for development. *<<>> is used to describe that the artifact is for production. [] To add classifier into your artifact for your deployment, set the text to the <> parameter. +---+ mvn deploy:deploy-file -Durl=file://C:\m2-repo \ -DrepositoryId=some.id \ -Dfile=path-to-your-artifact-jar \ -DpomFile=path-to-your-pom.xml \ -Dclassifier=bin +---+