# ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Default properties for the Cactus Plugin # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Location of containers. These properties need to be put in your # local build.properties as they depend on where you installed # your containers on your local machine. # # Examples: # # maven.cactus.tomcat4x.home = c:/apps/tomcat-4.1.10 # maven.cactus.resin2x.home = C:/Apps/resin-2.1.4 # maven.cactus.weblogic7x.home = C:/bea # DVSL Template to merge user web.xml to entries needed by Cactus maven.cactus.webxml.dvsl = ${plugin.dir}/conf/web.xml.dvsl # Empty web.xml to use if the user project does not provide a web.xml file maven.cactus.emptywebxml = ${plugin.dir}/conf/web.xml # Location of Cactus JSP Redirector maven.cactus.jspRedirector = ${plugin.dir}/conf/web/jspRedirector.jsp # Location of cactus.properties Cactus configuration file maven.cactus.configFile = ${plugin.dir}/conf/cactus.properties # Location of Cactus tests in project sources maven.cactus.src.dir = src/test-cactus # Location of scripts for the different containers maven.cactus.scripts.dir = ${plugin.dir}/scripts # Location of container configuration files maven.cactus.conf.containers.dir = ${plugin.dir}/conf/containers # Location where the cactus plugin puts its generateds stuff in # the project build directory. maven.cactus.build.dir = ${maven.build.dir}/cactus # Location where the cactus plugin puts the compiled cactus test classes maven.cactus.classes.dir = ${maven.cactus.build.dir}/classes # Location where the cactus plugin puts resources that need to be in the # Cactus client side classpath. maven.cactus.build.resources.dir = ${maven.cactus.build.dir}/resources # Port under which the container will be started maven.cactus.port = 8080 # If true, the junit task used to run the Cactus tests will output the # test result to a file maven.cactus.junit.usefile = true # Location of generated raw test reports maven.cactus.test.reportsDirectory = ${maven.cactus.build.dir}/test-reports # Location where the project war/webapp is located (either as a war or an # expanded webapp). Cactus will then add its own stuff to the war/webapp. maven.cactus.prewar.dir = ${maven.war.build.dir} # Define what TestRunner to use. Default is the JUnit text test runner # (the one used by the Ant task). Valid values are: text, swing maven.cactus.testrunner = text # Location of junit excluded.properties file to use when using the Swing # Test Runner maven.cactus.testrunner.swing.excluded = ${plugin.dir}/conf/excluded.properties # Include/Exclude for Cactus tests maven.cactus.test.fileset.include=**/*.class maven.cactus.test.fileset.exclude=