The Maven team is pleased to announce the XDoc plugin 1.5 release! A plugin for converting Anakia xdocs into styled HTML User-visible changes in this version: - generated site is valid tableless XHTML with a fully css layout. - Html elements are now used properly: link lists are ul, titles are h1, h2, etc. - invalid html produced for sections "name" elements is now fixed, escaping unvalid chars (replaced by "_"). - Hrefs for local links (starting with "#") are fixed accordingly during transformation - whitespace in output has been dramatically reduced (only preserved in sensitive elements such as pre, script, style - fixes layout during loading in internet explorer: empty images in the nav bar are popping up with the default blue border and text is initially unstyled. - No empty images are used anymore ("handles" for nav bar are created using css) - xdoc:copy-user-resources also copies resource from and not only from this allows for reporting plugins to generate images without copying them directly to - users can add links _after_ the standard project info/project reports section setting the "type" attribute to "footer" for the menu element ($nav/body/menu[@type='footer']) - development process URL is not included if maven.xdoc.developmentProcessUrl is empty - xhtml fix: missing "alt" attribute for images (required in xhtml) is added automatically - Document maven.xdoc.jsl. - Evenly space breadcrumbs, customize separator. - Better timezone calcs - Fix bad docs entries for and - Add details on date format. - Fix excess whitespace. - Fixed empty scm repository and issue tracking URL still being added to the project navigation. Note that this plugin has been tested with Maven 1.0 rc1. Using it with another version of Maven is at your own risk! You can install the plugin with Maven 1.0 rc1 or later using: maven -DgroupId=maven -DartifactId=maven-xdoc-plugin -Dversion=1.5 plugin:download You can download the plugin here: Have fun! -dIon