-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Plugin Configuration Error | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A required property is missing a value. Property name: ${propname} Errors must be corrected before using this plugin. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Plugin Configuration Error | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A required property is pointing to an invalid directory. Property name: ${propname} Invalid value: ${propvalue} Errors must be corrected before using this plugin. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Plugin Configuration Error | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The specified webserver name is currently not supported. Property name: ${propname} Property value: ${propvalue} For supported ${propname} values, please see the help docs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Plugin Configuration Error | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The specified version for the ${webserver} webserver is currently not supported. Property name: ${propname} Property value: ${propvalue} For supported ${propname} values, please see the help docs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- installed not installed started not started Maven has determined your webserver instance is in directory [ ] and on Maven has determined your webserver instance is in directory [ ] and using socket on host . : Deleting webserver instance ... : Installing webserver instance ... : Re-installing webserver instance ... : Starting webserver instance ... : Re-starting webserver instance ... : Stopping webserver instance ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Plugin Runtime Error | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maven could not determine the current status for your instance. This was an unexpected runtime error that should be reported. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Webserver could not be installed because it is already installed. Trying to reinstall the webserver instead ... Webserver could not be reinstalled because it is not yet installed. Trying to install the webserver instead ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Plugin Warning | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Webserver not yet installed You may try o webserver:install webserver:start o webserver:cycle -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Webserver could not be started because it is already started. Trying to restart the webserver instead ... Webserver could not be restarted because it is not yet started. Trying to start the webserver ... Webserver already stopped! Webserver already cleaned!