# This file was hand edited from: # http://www.ibiblio.org/maven/ # and # http://cvs.apache.org/builds/gump/latest/bypackage.html # #aelfred - not built by gump #ant-contrib - same name ant=jakarta-ant antlr=antlr.runtime #anttex - not built by gump #aptconvert - not built by gump #aspectj - same #avalon-apps - not built by gump avalon-cornerstone=jakarta-avalon-cornerstone avalon-framework=jakarta-avalon avalon-phoenix=jakarta-avalon-phoenix #axion - not built by gump axis=xml-axis batik=xml-batik bcel=jakarta-bcel #blissed - not built by gump bouncycastle=jce bsf=bsf bsh=beanshell cactus=jakarta-cactus-framework13 #castor - same #checkstyle - same #classworlds - not built by gump #clover - not built by gump #commons-beanutils - same #commons-betwixt - same #commons-cli - same #commons-codec - same #commons-collections - same #commons-configuration - not built by gump #commons-daemon - not built by gump #commons-dbcp - same #commons-digester - same #commons-discovery - same #commons-email - same #commons-fileupload - same #commons-grant - same #commons-graph - same #commons-http - same #commons-httpclient - same #commons-io - same #commons-jdbc2pool - not built by gump #commons-jelly - same #commons-jexl - same #commons-jxpath - same #commons-lang - same #commons-latka - same #commons-logging - same #commons-messenger - same #commons-modeler - same #commons-net - same #commons-pool - same #commons-resources - same #commons-sql - not built by gump #commons-threadpool - not built by gump #commons-util - same #commons-xo - not built by gump #concurrent - same crimson=xml-crimson #crossdb - not built by gump #cryptix - not built by gump #dom4j - same #drools - not built by gump #easymock - not built by gump ecs=jakarta-ecs #ejb - not built by gump #excalibur-altrmi - same #excalibur-collections - not built by gump #excalibur-component - not built by gup #excalibur-concurrent - same #excalibur-configuration - not build by gump #excalibur-containerkit - not built by gump #excalibur-event - same #excalibur-fortress - not built by gump #excalibur-i18n - same excalibur-instrument-manager-interfaces=excalibur-instrument-manager excalibur-instrument-manager=excalibur-instrument-manager #excalibur-instrument - same #excalibur-io - same #excalibur-logger - same #excalibur-monitor - not built by gump #excalibur-mpool - not built by gump #excalibur-pool - same #excalibur-sourceresolve - not built by gump #excalibur-thread - same #excalibur-util - same #fesi - same flux=jakarta-turbine-flux fop=xml-fop #forehead - same #freebxml- not built by gump #freemarker - same fulcrum=jakarta-turbine-fulcrum #genjar - not built by gump #gnu-regexp - not built by gump #graphlayout - not built by gump #hibernate - not built by gump #hsqldb - same #httpunit - same isorelax=iso-relax #jaf - same #jalopy-ant - not built by gump #jalopy - not built by gump #java2html - not built by gump #javacc - same #javadoc - not built by gump #javagroups - same #javamail - same #jaxen - same #jaxm - same #jaxp - same #jaxrpc - same #jboss - not built by gump #jca - not built by gump #jcifs - same #jcommon - not built by gump #jcs-javagroups - not built by gump jcs=jakarta-turbine-jcs #jdbc - same #jdbm - not built by gump #jdepend - not built by gump #jdiff - not built by gump #jdo - same #jdom - same #jdring - not built by gump #jetty - same #jfreechart - not built by gump #jgen - same #jgraph - not built by gump #jisp - not built by gump #jms - same #jndi - same #jsr94 - not built by gump #jsse - same #jstl - not built by gump #jstyle - not built by gump #jta - same #jtidy - same #junit-doclet - not built by gump #junit - same #junitperf - not built by gump #jython - same #ldapsdk - same log4j=jakarta-log4j logkit=jakarta-avalon-logkit #maven - same #mckoi - not built by gump #mm.mysql - not built by gump #mockobjects - same #msv - same #mx4j - same #nekohtml - same #nsuml - same #ognl - not built by gump ojb=jakarta-ojb oro=jakarta-oro #p6spy - not built by gump #patterntesting - not built by gump #petridish - not built by gump #piccolo - not built by gump #plexus - not built by gump poi=jakarta-poi #postgresql - not built by gump pull-parser=xpp #qdox - not built by gump #quartz - same regexp=jakarta-regexp relaxngDatatype=relaxng #saaj - not built by gump sax=xml-apis #saxpath - not built by gump servletapi=jakarta-servletapi soap=xml-soap #spirit-cache - no jars deployed #statcvs - not built by gump stratum=jakarta-turbine-stratum #struts-menu - not built by gump struts=jakarta-struts #strutstestcase - not built by gump #swt - same # taglibs holds multiple jars, and multiple 'projects' in gump taglibs=jakarta-taglibs-standard #tapestry - not built by gump #textarea - not built by gump tomcat-util=jakarta-tomcat-util tomcat=jakarta-tomcat torque=jakarta-turbine-torque #touchstone - not built by gump (a maven project) turbine=jakarta-turbine #tyrex - not built by gump #vdoclet - not built by gump velocity-dvsl=jakarta-velocity-dvsl velocity=jakarta-velocity #village - same #webmacro - same #webtest - not built by gump werken-xpath=werken.xpath #werkflow - not built by gump #werkz - same which=xml-commons-which #wsdl4j - same xalan=xml-xalan2 #xdoclet - same xerces=xml-xerces2 #xml-apis- same #xml-rpc - old name #xml-security - same #xmlrpc-helma - not built by gump xmlrpc=xml-rpc #xmlunit - same #xsdlib - not built by gump