General How to use this plugin?

1. modify/double check that your project.xml has issue tracking url in the following format :

<issueTrackingUrl>[JIRA URL]/BrowseProject.jspa?id=[JIRA PROJECT ID]</issueTrackingUrl>

Example :


2. make sure that your project allows group Anyone to view jira issues (you may or may not need to also set your jira installation type to public - this is in General Configuration under administration).

3. log out of jira (if you are using Remember me feature) and test your setup by going to url like this one:

[JIRA URL]/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?view=rss&pid=[JIRA PROJECT ID]&sorter/field=issuekey&sorter/order=DESC&sorter/field=status&sorter/order=DESC&tempMax=1000&reset=true

Example :

4. add this to your project.xml in reports section


5. run site:generate and you should have jira.html in your ${basedir}/target/docs directory