# ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright 2001-2004 The Apache Software Foundation. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ------------------------------------------------------------------- #============================================================================ # Properties for the AspectWerkz plugin for Maven # =========================================================================== # AW supports 2 types of Aspects/Advice/Pointcuts definition: # - xmldef : Advice are defined as extending *Advice classes (BeforeAdvice, # AroundAdvice, etc). Custom javadoc attributes can be used to # link code to weave with advices. # - attribdef: Advices and pcds are defined purely using custom javadoc # attributes (@Execute, @Aspect, etc). # You need to tell the plugin how you have defined your AW # Aspects/Advices/Pointcuts. The 2 valid values are "xmldef" and "attribdef". maven.aspectwerkz.mode = attribdef # Location where weaved classes will be generated. maven.aspectwerkz.weave.build.dir = ${maven.build.dest} # Decide whether definition validation is turned on or off. maven.aspectwerkz.definition.validate = false # Verbose mode maven.aspectwerkz.verbose = false # Classloader to use for class files weaving maven.aspectwerkz.classloader.preprocessor = org.codehaus.aspectwerkz.transform.AspectWerkzPreProcessor # The AW plugin looks for source files in ${pom.sourceDirectory}. # It also supports all source directories added to the ${maven.compile.src.set} # Ant path variable. Moreover, if you wish to keep non-production aspects in a # specific directory, you can define the property below. maven.aspectwerkz.src.dir = ${basedir}/src/aspectwerkz # Location where non-production aspect classes will be compiled to. # There are the classes defined by ${maven.aspectwerkz.src.dir}. maven.aspectwerkz.build.dest = ${maven.build.dir}/aspectwerkz/classes #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # attribdef mode properties # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Location of the XML definition file. maven.aspectwerkz.definition.file.src = ${basedir}/conf/aspectwerkz.xml # Location where aspectc results will be generated. maven.aspectwerkz.aspectc.build.dir = ${maven.build.dir}/aspectwerkz/aspectc #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # xmldef mode properties # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Location of the AW XML definition file that will be created by the # attribute compilation (when calling ). This is only # used in "xmldef" mode. maven.aspectwerkz.definition.file.build = ${maven.build.dir}/aspectwerkz.xml # If set to "no", prevents org.codehaus.aspectwerkz and related classes # (jexl, trove, dom4j...) from being instrumented. maven.aspectwerkz.transform.filter = no # (optional). Definition file to be merged with the main definition file. # Used by the goal. Only for "xmldef" mode. # maven.aspectwerkz.definition.file.merge = # (optional). UUID to use. If not specified a default one will be automatically # generated. Used by the goal. Only for "xmldef" mode. # maven.aspectwerkz.uuid =