# ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright 2001-2006 The Apache Software Foundation. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Default properties for the AspectJ Plugin # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # List of argument files separated by commas. # An argument file contains a list of arguments read by the compiler. # Each line is read into one element of the argument array and may include # another argfile by reference. #maven.aspectj.argfiles= # If true, only sources that are defined in argument files will be weaved. # By default weave sources from argument files and from build sources path # or test sources path. #maven.aspectj.src.argfilesOnly=false # If true weave aspect sources in pom.build.aspectSourceDirectory #maven.aspectj.weaveAspectSources=true # List of resource files to exclude when copying resources from the input # jar to the weaved output jar maven.aspectj.sourceRootCopyFilter = **/CVS/*,**/*.java,**/*.aj # If true, emit .ajesym symbol files for Emacs support maven.aspectj.emacssym = no # If true, run in debug mode maven.aspectj.debug = false # If true, emit compiler status messages during the compile. maven.aspectj.verbose = false # incremental mode: Build once, then recompile only required source files # when user provides input. maven.aspectj.incremental = false # Run process in another VM. This gets the forking classpath either explicitly # from a forkclasspath entry or by searching the task or system/Ant classpath # for the first readable file with a name of the form aspectj{-}tools{.*}.jar. # When forking you can specify the amount of memory used with maxmem. Fork cannot # be used in incremental mode, unless using a tag file. maven.aspectj.fork = false # The maximum memory to use for the new VM when fork is true. Values should # have the same form as accepted by the VM, e.g., "128m". maven.aspectj.maxmem = 128m # The J2SE source compliance level. Valid values are [1.3 1.4]. # Defaults to 1.3. maven.aspectj.source = 1.3 # If true, display speed information during weaving. maven.aspectj.time = false # The directory for compiled classes. By default maven.build.dest used. #maven.aspectj.dest= # If true, produce binaries that can only be used as input for the -injars or -inpath option maven.aspectj.noweave=false # Level of language usage messages. Possible values are error, warning and ignore maven.aspectj.lint=warning # If true, throw BuildException to halt build if there are any compiler errors. maven.aspectj.failonerror=true