# ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Properties required for all the abbot plugin goals # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Location of abbot source scripts maven.abbot.src.dir = ${maven.src.dir}/abbot # (optional) Explicit comma-separated list of Abbot source scripts # to execute. If not defined, the plugin will execute all .xml files # located in maven.abbot.src.dir # maven.abbot.src.files = # Decide whether or not to recurse in maven.abbot.src.dir to find # Abbot .xml source scripts. maven.abbot.recurse = true # Location where the abbot plugin puts build files related to abbot maven.abbot.dest.dir = ${maven.build.dir}/abbot # Location where the abbot plugin signs the jars to be added to the # generated JNLP file. maven.abbot.dest.jar.dir = ${maven.abbot.dest.dir}/jars # Location where abbot junit test results will be located maven.abbot.reports.dir = ${maven.build.dir}/abbot-reports maven.abbot.printSummary = ${maven.junit.printSummary} maven.abbot.dir = ${maven.junit.dir} maven.abbot.sysproperties = ${maven.junit.sysproperties} maven.abbot.jvmargs = ${maven.junit.jvmargs} maven.abbot.format = ${maven.junit.format} maven.abbot.usefile = ${maven.junit.usefile} # (optional) Name of the test suite beeing executed. This name will be used # to name the generated JUnit test report. If not specified the report name # will be TEST-org.apache.maven.abbot.AbbotTestAll. This is useful when # you're calling the Abbot plugin several times in a row as otherwise the # reports will overwrite each other. #maven.abbot.suite.name = MyTestSuite # Decide whether to turn on webstart debugging. maven.abbot.debug = false # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Properties required only for the abbot:test goal # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name of the JUnit test to execute that will trigger the execution # of the Abbot scripts. This name should not be changed unless you # want to provide your own Abbot script wrapper. maven.abbot.include = org.apache.maven.abbot.AbbotTestAll # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Properties required only for the abbot:test-webstart goal # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # The following properties are mandatories. They depend on your # execution environment and must be set in your build.properties file # or equivalent: # # - JAVAWS_HOME: You MUST define this environment variable and have it # point to where Java Webstart is installed on your machine. # For example: c:\apps\j2sdk1.4.2_01\jre\javaws # - maven.abbot.remotejnlp: This property points to the JNLP file of # the application you're testing. # - maven.abbot.javaws.systemhome: Java webstart system cache location # - maven.abbot.javaws.userhome: Java webstart user cache location maven.abbot.webstart.jnlp.original = original.jnlp maven.abbot.webstart.jnlp.modified = modified.jnlp maven.abbot.webstart.main.jar = abbot-main.jar maven.abbot.webstart.main.class = org.apache.maven.abbot.AbbotWebstartTestRunner # Note: For now we only support signing jars. The reason is that we need # to add the Abbot jars to the JNLP file and as we're taking these jars # from the local file system we need to have the permissions and thus we # need signed jars to get these permissions. maven.abbot.sign = true # Extra list of jars (separated by commas) to be added to the generated JNLP # and to the executing CP for the editor goal. This is useful for example when # creating custom Abbot testers that need to be included in the executing CP. #maven.abbot.extrajars =