An application view consists of: o application-view.xml o pipeline.xml o templates.jar The WAR looks like this: . |-- WEB-INF | |-- application-views | | `-- tiny.jar | |-- turbine-configuration.xml | `-- web.xml |-- css | |-- maven.css | |-- ns4_only.css | |-- print.css | `-- tigris.css |-- images | |-- icon_alert.gif | |-- icon_alertsml.gif | |-- icon_confirmsml.gif | |-- logo-80p.jpg | |-- logo.jpg | |-- nw_min.gif | |-- strich.gif | |-- sw_min.gif | `-- zen_logo2.gif +-- js `-- main.js ISSUES o So we have a problem with static content for each view. There isn't much point in having some things in the JAR and some not. o Having the templates in a JAR for development will be a PITA. We're going to need to use the file resource loader during development. o Being able to retrieve run-time dependencies. o How to determine the dependencies. o Document classloader behaviour in the Jetty component.