# ------------------------------------------------------------------- # P L U G I N P R O P E R T I E S # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # ejb plugin. # ------------------------------------------------------------------- maven.ejb.index=false maven.ejb.client.index=false # Location of where ejb sources (non-java) are located. maven.ejb.src=${maven.src.dir}/ejb # Location of ejb xml configs - not used atm due to using jar task not ejbjar maven.ejb.descriptordir=${maven.ejb.src}/META-INF maven.ejb.manifest=${maven.ejb.descriptordir}/MANIFEST.MF # Exclude from the client jar those things that should only exist on the EJB server. # This list is probably incomplete... # Users' projects can add to the list by setting maven.ejb.client.excludes. maven.ejb.client.base.excludes=**/*Bean.class,**/*CMP.class,**/*Session.class # Files to include and exclude from ejb # Note: Files are relative to build.dir maven.ejb.includes=** maven.ejb.excludes=**/package.html