Now refresh your project in Eclipse (right click on the project and select "Refresh") Creating ${basedir}/.project ... Creating ${basedir}/.classpath ... Creating ${toolFile} Adapting the generated file for a ${os} box. $${project} true ${tool.loc} -e -p $${resource_loc} ${goal} false org.eclipse.ui.externaltools.type.program $${container_loc} Maven ${goal} Please set maven.eclipse.workspace to the location of your eclipse workspace. Alternatively, copy ${}/eclipse/externaltools.xml to [maven.eclipse.workspace]/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.ui.externaltools/externaltools.xml Creating external tools Adapting the generated file for a ${os} box. Generating ${fileName} Please set maven.eclipse.workspace to the location of your eclipse workspace. Alternatively, copy ${}/eclipse/*.launch to [maven.eclipse.workspace]/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.debug.core/.launches/ The property $${maven.eclipse.workspace} was not set. MAVEN_REPO may not be set.