# ------------------------------------------------------------------- # P L U G I N P R O P E R I E S # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Xdoc plugin. # ------------------------------------------------------------------- maven.docs.src = ${basedir}/xdocs maven.docs.dest = ${maven.build.dir}/docs maven.docs.outputencoding = ISO-8859-1 maven.docs.omitXmlDeclaration=false maven.gen.docs = ${maven.build.dir}/generated-xdocs maven.xdoc.developmentProcessUrl=http://maven.apache.org/development-process.html maven.xdoc.includeProjectDocumentation = yes # # DATE Preferences # # The place of the date on the pages : choices are 'bottom', 'left', 'right', 'navigation-top', 'navigation-bottom' maven.xdoc.date = maven.xdoc.date.format = dd MMMM yyyy # The date locale maven.xdoc.date.locale = en # The logo to show on the generated site. No default at present (competition isn't closed) maven.xdoc.poweredby.image=maven-propaganda.png maven.xdoc.poweredby.title=Powered by Maven maven.xdoc.poweredby.url=http://maven.apache.org/ # # UI Color Prefs # maven.ui.body.background = #fff maven.ui.body.foreground = #000 maven.ui.section.background = #036 maven.ui.section.foreground = #fff maven.ui.subsection.background = #888 maven.ui.subsection.foreground = #fff maven.ui.table.header.background = #bbb maven.ui.table.header.foreground = #fff maven.ui.table.row.odd.background = #ddd maven.ui.table.row.odd.foreground = #000 maven.ui.table.row.even.background = #efefef maven.ui.table.row.even.foreground = #000 maven.ui.banner.background = #036 maven.ui.banner.foreground = #fff maven.ui.banner.border.top = #369 maven.ui.banner.border.bottom = #003 maven.ui.source.background = #fff maven.ui.source.foreground = #000 maven.ui.source.border.right = #888 maven.ui.source.border.left = #888 maven.ui.source.border.top = #888 maven.ui.source.border.bottom = #888 maven.ui.navcol.background = #eee maven.ui.navcol.background.ns4 = #fff maven.ui.navcol.foreground = #000 maven.ui.navcol.foreground.ns4 = #555 maven.ui.navcol.border.top = #fff maven.ui.navcol.border.right = #aaa maven.ui.navcol.border.bottom = #aaa maven.ui.breadcrumbs.background = #ddd maven.ui.breadcrumbs.foreground = #000 maven.ui.breadcrumbs.border.top = #fff maven.ui.breadcrumbs.border.bottom = #aaa maven.ui.href.link = blue maven.ui.href.link.active = #f30 maven.ui.href.link.selfref = #555 # This is horrid but will do for now. This needs to be extensible # so that users can utilize the transformation process with their # own templates. maven.xdoc.pomDocuments = cvs-usage.xml,\ index.xml,\ maven-reports.xml,\ dependencies.xml,\ issue-tracking.xml,\ mail-lists.xml,\ project-info.xml,\ team-list.xml maven.xdoc.projectInfo = cvs-usage.xml,\ dependencies.xml,\ issue-tracking.xml,\ mail-lists.xml,\ project-info.xml,\ team-list.xml