Executing '${command}' remotely
Copying '${fromFile.canonicalFile.name}' in '${fromFile.canonicalFile.parent}' to directory '${toFileOrDir}'
Setting permissions and group ownership in ${directory}'
cd ${directory};
rm ${groupId}.license;
ln -s ${fileName} ${groupId}.license;
chmod -R g+w,a+r ${fileName};
chgrp -R ${group} *;
DEPRECATED: please use maven.remote.group instead of maven.repository.group
Processing project ${group.text}
Ensuring directory '${directory}' exists
Processing project ${group}
Processing project ${group}
cd ${directory};
ln -s ${fileName} ${group}.license;
Copying license for ${group}
Creating pom for ${group}
Creating pom for ${group}
cd ${maven.repo.central.directory};
mkdir ${groupId};
chgrp ${group} ${groupId};
chmod g+s ${groupId};
mkdir ${groupId}/distributions;
mkdir ${groupId}/jars;
mkdir ${groupId}/licenses;
mkdir ${groupId}/poms;
chmod g+ws ${groupId};
chmod -R g+w,a+r ${groupId};
cd ${maven.repo.central.directory};
rm -rf ${groupId};
snapshotVersion = '${snapshotVersion}'
Setting up SNAPSHOT entries
cd ${directory};
ln -sf ${artifactName} ${artifactId}-SNAPSHOT.jar;
ln -sf ${artifactName}.md5 ${artifactId}-SNAPSHOT.jar.md5;
echo ${snapshotVersion} | tee ${artifactId}-snapshot-version;
chgrp ${group} ${artifactId}-SNAPSHOT.jar*;
chmod g+w,a+r ${artifactId}-SNAPSHOT.jar*;
cd ${directory};
md5sum ${artifactName} | sed 's/ .*$//' | tee ${artifactName}.md5;
chgrp ${group} *;
chmod g+w,a+r *;