High priority (before merge/RC2): - fail doesn't give line number - goal names not being echoed - conflict between rootcontext.xmloutput and jellyoutputsink - no project is busted - NPE Project:1438 (verifyDeps), have also set file to a fake - site generation fails - it calls touchstone as part of test:test which doesn't work in this context, and ends site - maven xdoc doesn't seem to work - checkstyle give incompatibleclasschangeerror due to beanutils/collections loaded into root, or exceptions with commons-logging (differing version) - touchstone is failing again in goal-B after clean up. I may have removed something I had working yesterday - will look into it. Medium priority (before 1.0): - set source for plugins - test parent properties (src/test/touchstone-build/src/reactor-build/inheritence) - need to cut back to just loading those plugins desired, not all of them. - bug when antlr loaded still? Was last time I tried. - how many jelly taglibs in basedir, how many per project? Clean this up - Remove root.maven? - cleanup dyna taglibs that are cros references with missing plugins low priority: - move touchstone for non-core plugins out - touchstone reactor clean does nothing - make it work, or remove - touchstone reactor standard fails because of error in test - make it work or remove - touchstone reactor legacy(-fugly) fails because of error in test - make it work or remove - should plugin releases really be made via maven:release, ala RC1? It doesn't do standard tagging/announce/changes.xml update, etc right now. Perhaps manually release all snapshots before building bundled RC2, or use old versions in bundle. - plugin:test goal should be able to execute test project