Class DefaultSiteTool

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class DefaultSiteTool
    extends Object
    implements SiteTool
    Default implementation of the site tool.
    Vincent Siveton
    • Field Detail

      • i18n

        protected org.codehaus.plexus.i18n.I18N i18n
      • projectBuilder

        protected org.apache.maven.project.ProjectBuilder projectBuilder
        Project builder.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultSiteTool

        public DefaultSiteTool()
    • Method Detail

      • getSkinArtifactFromRepository

        public org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact getSkinArtifactFromRepository​(org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepository localRepository,
                                                                                List<org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepository> remoteArtifactRepositories,
                                                                                DecorationModel decoration)
                                                                         throws SiteToolException
        Description copied from interface: SiteTool
        Get a skin artifact from one of the repositories.
        Specified by:
        getSkinArtifactFromRepository in interface SiteTool
        localRepository - the Maven local repository, not null.
        remoteArtifactRepositories - the Maven remote repositories, not null.
        decoration - the Doxia site descriptor model, not null.
        the Skin artifact defined in a DecorationModel from a given project and a local repository
        SiteToolException - if any
      • getRelativePath

        public String getRelativePath​(String to,
                                      String from)
        This method is not implemented according to the URI specification and has many weird corner cases where it doesn't do the right thing. Please consider using a better implemented method from a different library such as org.apache.http.client.utils.URIUtils#resolve.
        Specified by:
        getRelativePath in interface SiteTool
        to - the to url of file as string
        from - the from url of file as string
        a relative path from from to to.
      • getSiteDescriptor

        public File getSiteDescriptor​(File siteDirectory,
                                      Locale locale)
        Get a site descriptor from the project's site directory.
        Specified by:
        getSiteDescriptor in interface SiteTool
        siteDirectory - the site directory, not null
        locale - the locale wanted for the site descriptor, not null. Most specific to least specific lookup from site_language_country_variant.xml, site_language_country.xml, site_language.xml}, to site.xml as last resort for Locale.ROOT, if provided locale defines a variant and/or a country and/or a language.
        the most specific site descriptor file for the given locale
      • getDecorationModel

        public DecorationModel getDecorationModel​(File siteDirectory,
                                                  Locale locale,
                                                  org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject project,
                                                  List<org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject> reactorProjects,
                                                  org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepository localRepository,
                                                  List<org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepository> repositories)
                                           throws SiteToolException
        Get a decoration model for a project.
        Specified by:
        getDecorationModel in interface SiteTool
        siteDirectory - the site directory, may be null if project from repository
        locale - the locale used for the i18n in DecorationModel, not null. See SiteTool.getSiteDescriptor(File, Locale) for details.
        project - the Maven project, not null.
        reactorProjects - the Maven reactor projects, not null.
        localRepository - the Maven local repository, not null.
        repositories - the Maven remote repositories, not null.
        the DecorationModel object corresponding to the site.xml file with some interpolations.
        SiteToolException - if any
      • getInterpolatedSiteDescriptorContent

        public String getInterpolatedSiteDescriptorContent​(Map<String,​String> props,
                                                           org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject aProject,
                                                           String siteDescriptorContent)
                                                    throws SiteToolException
        Interpolating several expressions in the site descriptor content. Actually, the expressions can be in the project, the environment variables and the specific properties like encoding.

        For instance:

        The value from the POM of:


        The value from the POM of:


        The value of JAVA_HOME in the environment variables
        Specified by:
        getInterpolatedSiteDescriptorContent in interface SiteTool
        props - a map used for interpolation, not null.
        aProject - a Maven project, not null.
        siteDescriptorContent - the site descriptor file, not null.
        the interpolated site descriptor content.
        SiteToolException - if errors happened during the interpolation.
      • getParentProject

        public org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject getParentProject​(org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject aProject,
                                                                      List<org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject> reactorProjects,
                                                                      org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepository localRepository)
        Returns the parent POM with interpolated URLs. If called from Maven 3, just returns project.getParent(), which is already interpolated. But when called from Maven 2, attempts to source this value from the reactorProjects parameters if available (reactor env model attributes are interpolated), or if the reactor is unavailable (-N) resorts to the project.getParent().getUrl() value which will NOT have been interpolated.
        Specified by:
        getParentProject in interface SiteTool
        aProject - a Maven project, not null.
        reactorProjects - the Maven reactor projects, not null.
        localRepository - the Maven local repository, not null.
        the parent project with interpolated URLs.
      • populateReportsMenu

        public void populateReportsMenu​(DecorationModel decorationModel,
                                        Locale locale,
                                        Map<String,​List<org.apache.maven.reporting.MavenReport>> categories)
        Populate the pre-defined reports menu of the decoration model, if used through <menu ref="reports"/>. Notice this menu reference is translated into 2 separate menus: "Project Information" and "Project Reports".
        Specified by:
        populateReportsMenu in interface SiteTool
        decorationModel - the Doxia Sitetools DecorationModel, not null.
        locale - the locale used for the i18n in DecorationModel, not null. See SiteTool.getSiteDescriptor(File, Locale) for details.
        categories - reports per category to put in "Reports" or "Information" menus, not null.
        See Also:
      • getSiteLocales

        public List<Locale> getSiteLocales​(String locales)
        Extracts from a comma-separated list the locales that are available in site-tool resource bundle.
        Specified by:
        getSiteLocales in interface SiteTool
        locales - A comma separated list of locales
        a list of Locales.
      • getNormalizedPath

        protected static String getNormalizedPath​(String path)
        path - could be null.
        the path normalized, i.e. by eliminating "/../" and "/./" in the path.
        See Also: