L10n Status

This report provides information about the level of completion of this project's localization effort. It lists all resource bundle files in the project(s), the number of property keys for translation and the number for keys translated for a list of supported locales.


L10n status summary table
Path Default ca cs da de es fr gl hu it ja ko lt nl no pl pt pt_BR ru sk sv tr zh_CN zh_TW
Doxia Sitetools :: Integration Tools
site-tool.properties 5
Total: 5 5
(100 %)
(100 %)
(100 %)
(100 %)
(100 %)
(80 %)
(100 %)
(100 %)
(100 %)
(100 %)
(100 %)
(100 %)
(100 %)
(100 %)
(100 %)
(100 %)
(100 %)
(100 %)
(100 %)
(100 %)
(100 %)
(100 %)
(100 %)


  • M - number of missing keys in the given locale.
  • E - number of extra keys present in given locale, but missing from default one.
  • NT - number of non-translated keys which have the same value in the default locale and in the given locale.

Note: Both 'M' and 'NT' can report some false positives for cases when the value for the given locale is intentionally not included or have the same value as the default.

ca - Catalan

Locale Catalan
Path Missing Keys Extra Keys Non-Changed Keys
site-tool.properties OK OK OK

cs - Czech

Locale Czech
Path Missing Keys Extra Keys Non-Changed Keys
site-tool.properties OK OK OK

da - Danish

Locale Danish
Path Missing Keys Extra Keys Non-Changed Keys
site-tool.properties OK OK OK

de - German

Locale German
Path Missing Keys Extra Keys Non-Changed Keys
site-tool.properties OK OK OK

es - Spanish

Locale Spanish
Path Missing Keys Extra Keys Non-Changed Keys
site-tool.properties OK OK OK

fr - French

Locale French
Path Missing Keys Extra Keys Non-Changed Keys
site-tool.properties OK OK

gl - Galician

Locale Galician
Path Missing Keys Extra Keys Non-Changed Keys
site-tool.properties OK OK OK

hu - Hungarian

Locale Hungarian
Path Missing Keys Extra Keys Non-Changed Keys
site-tool.properties OK OK OK

it - Italian

Locale Italian
Path Missing Keys Extra Keys Non-Changed Keys
site-tool.properties OK OK OK

ja - Japanese

Locale Japanese
Path Missing Keys Extra Keys Non-Changed Keys
site-tool.properties OK OK OK

ko - Korean

Locale Korean
Path Missing Keys Extra Keys Non-Changed Keys
site-tool.properties OK OK OK

lt - Lithuanian

Locale Lithuanian
Path Missing Keys Extra Keys Non-Changed Keys
site-tool.properties OK OK OK

nl - Dutch

Locale Dutch
Path Missing Keys Extra Keys Non-Changed Keys
site-tool.properties OK OK OK

no - Norwegian

Locale Norwegian
Path Missing Keys Extra Keys Non-Changed Keys
site-tool.properties OK OK OK

pl - Polish

Locale Polish
Path Missing Keys Extra Keys Non-Changed Keys
site-tool.properties OK OK OK

pt - Portuguese

Locale Portuguese
Path Missing Keys Extra Keys Non-Changed Keys
site-tool.properties OK OK OK

pt_BR - Portuguese (Brazil)

Locale Portuguese (Brazil)
Path Missing Keys Extra Keys Non-Changed Keys
site-tool.properties OK OK OK

ru - Russian

Locale Russian
Path Missing Keys Extra Keys Non-Changed Keys
site-tool.properties OK OK OK

sk - Slovak

Locale Slovak
Path Missing Keys Extra Keys Non-Changed Keys
site-tool.properties OK OK OK

sv - Swedish

Locale Swedish
Path Missing Keys Extra Keys Non-Changed Keys
site-tool.properties OK OK OK

tr - Turkish

Locale Turkish
Path Missing Keys Extra Keys Non-Changed Keys
site-tool.properties OK OK OK

zh_CN - Chinese (China)

Locale Chinese (China)
Path Missing Keys Extra Keys Non-Changed Keys
site-tool.properties OK OK OK

zh_TW - Chinese (Taiwan)

Locale Chinese (Taiwan)
Path Missing Keys Extra Keys Non-Changed Keys
site-tool.properties OK OK OK