
This is a reference for the site decoration descriptor used in Doxia Sitetools, also known as site.xml.

An XSD is available at:

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
  name=.. combine.self=.. >

  <publishDate position=.. format=.. />
  <version position=.. />
    <logo name=.. href=.. img=.. position=.. alt=.. border=.. width=.. height=.. target=.. title=.. />


      <item name=.. href=.. img=.. position=.. alt=.. border=.. width=.. height=.. target=.. title=.. />
      <item name=.. href=.. img=.. position=.. alt=.. border=.. width=.. height=.. target=.. title=.. />

    <menu name=.. inherit=.. inheritAsRef=.. ref=.. img=.. alt=.. position=.. border=.. width=.. height=.. title=.. >
      <item collapse=.. ref=.. name=.. href=.. img=.. position=.. alt=.. border=.. width=.. height=.. target=.. title=.. >



The <project> element is the root of the site decoration descriptor.

Attribute Type Since Description
name String The full name of the project.
combine.self String 1.6.0 Whether to inherit configuration from a parent project site descriptor (merge) or not (override).
Default value is: merge.
Element Type Since Description
bannerLeft Banner Banner logo on the masthead of the site to the left.
bannerRight Banner Banner logo on the masthead of the site to the right.
googleAdSenseClient String 1.3.0 Your Google AdSense client id.
googleAdSenseSlot String 1.3.0 Your Google AdSense slot id.
googleAnalyticsAccountId String 1.1.0 The id for your Google Analytics account.
publishDate PublishDate Modify the date published display properties.
version Version Modify the version published display properties.
poweredBy/logo* List<Logo> (Many) Powered by logos list.
skin Skin The artifact containing the skin for the site.
body Body The main site content decoration.
custom DOM Custom configuration for use with customized Velocity templates. Data from this field are accessible in Velocity template from $decoration.custom variable as DOM content. Example: $decoration.custom.getChild( 'customElement' ).getValue()


Banner logo on the masthead of the site.

Element Type Since Description
name String The name of the banner.
src String The source location of an image for the banner.
alt String The alt description for the banner image.
href String The href of a link to be used for the banner image.
border String 1.0.1 The border to use for the banner image.
width String 1.0.1 The width to use for the banner image.
height String 1.0.1 The height to use for the banner image.
title String 1.3.0 The title for the banner image.


Banner logo on the masthead of the site.

Element Type Since Description
name String The name of the banner.
src String The source location of an image for the banner.
alt String The alt description for the banner image.
href String The href of a link to be used for the banner image.
border String 1.0.1 The border to use for the banner image.
width String 1.0.1 The width to use for the banner image.
height String 1.0.1 The height to use for the banner image.
title String 1.3.0 The title for the banner image.


Modify display properties for date published.

Attribute Type Since Description
position String Where to place the date published (left, right, navigation-top, navigation-bottom, bottom).
Default value is: left.
format String Date format to use.
Default value is: yyyy-MM-dd.


Modify display properties for version published.

Attribute Type Since Description
position String Where to place the version published (left, right, navigation-top, navigation-bottom, bottom).
Default value is: left.


Power by logo on the navigation.

Attribute Type Since Description
name String The name to display for the link.
href String The href to use for the link.
img String The source location of an image.
position String 1.0.1 Where to place the image regarding the displayed name (left or right).
Default value is: left.
alt String 1.0.1 The alt to use for the image.
border String 1.0.1 The border to use for the image.
width String 1.0.1 The width to use for the image.
height String 1.0.1 The height to use for the image.
target String 1.0.1 Where the new document will be displayed when the user follows a link, i.e. _blank opens the new document in a new window.
title String 1.3.0 The title to use for the image.


An skin artifact declaration.

Element Type Since Description
groupId String The skin group ID.
artifactId String The skin artifact ID.
version String The skin version.


The main content decoration.

Element Type Since Description
head String Additional content (like JavaScript) to include in the HEAD block of the generated pages.
links/item* List<LinkItem> (Many) A list of links to display in the navigation.
breadcrumbs/item* List<LinkItem> (Many) A list of breadcrumbs to display in the navigation.
menu* List<Menu> (Many) A list of menus to include in the navigation.
footer String 1.1.0 If present, the contained text will be used instead of the generated copyright text.


A link in the navigation.

Attribute Type Since Description
name String The name to display for the link.
href String The href to use for the link.
img String The source location of an image.
position String 1.0.1 Where to place the image regarding the displayed name (left or right).
Default value is: left.
alt String 1.0.1 The alt to use for the image.
border String 1.0.1 The border to use for the image.
width String 1.0.1 The width to use for the image.
height String 1.0.1 The height to use for the image.
target String 1.0.1 Where the new document will be displayed when the user follows a link, i.e. _blank opens the new document in a new window.
title String 1.3.0 The title to use for the image.


A menu in the navigation.

Attribute Type Since Description
name String The name to display for the menu.
inherit String The way in which the menu is inherited. Can be one of : top, bottom.
inheritAsRef boolean If this is a reference, setting true means that it will be populated in the project, whereas if it is false, it is populated in the parent and then inherited.
Default value is: false.
ref String Mark this menu as reference to a pre-defined menu: reports, modules or parent. It will be populated at runtime with corresponding pre-defined content.
img String The source location of an menu image.
alt String 1.0.1 The alt description for the image.
position String 1.0.1 Where to place the image regarding the displayed name (left or right).
Default value is: left.
border String 1.0.1 The border to use for the menu image.
width String 1.0.1 The width to use for the menu image.
height String 1.0.1 The height to use for the menu image.
title String 1.3.0 The title for the image.
Element Type Since Description
item* List<MenuItem> (Many) A list of menu item.


A menu item.

Attribute Type Since Description
collapse boolean Whether to collapse children elements of an item menu (by default).
Default value is: false.
ref String A reference to a pre-defined menu item, such as a report (specified by the report goal name). Any elements explicitly given override those from the pre-defined reference.
name String The name to display for the link.
href String The href to use for the link.
img String The source location of an image.
position String 1.0.1 Where to place the image regarding the displayed name (left or right).
Default value is: left.
alt String 1.0.1 The alt to use for the image.
border String 1.0.1 The border to use for the image.
width String 1.0.1 The width to use for the image.
height String 1.0.1 The height to use for the image.
target String 1.0.1 Where the new document will be displayed when the user follows a link, i.e. _blank opens the new document in a new window.
title String 1.3.0 The title to use for the image.
Element Type Since Description
description String A description of the menu item. This is used on any summary pages for a menu.
item* List<MenuItem> (Many) A list of menu item.