Surefire Report


[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]

Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
89 0 0 1 98.9% 4.381 s

Note: failures are anticipated and checked for with assertions while errors are unanticipated.

Package List

[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]

Package Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
org.apache.maven.doxia.module.markdown 89 0 0 1 98.9% 4.381 s

Note: package statistics are not computed recursively, they only sum up all of its testsuites numbers.


- Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
FlexmarkDoxiaLinkResolverTest 1 0 0 0 100% 0.135 s
LastTwoLinesBufferingWriterTest 8 0 0 0 100% 0.180 s
MarkdownParserModuleTest 1 0 0 0 100% 0.702 s
MarkdownParserTest 26 0 0 1 96.2% 1.614 s
MarkdownSinkTest 53 0 0 0 100% 1.750 s

Test Cases

[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]


testResolveLink 0.074 s


testDifferentLineSeparators(String)[1] 0.081 s
testDifferentLineSeparators(String)[2] 0.005 s
testWriterWithBlankLineFollowingNonBlankLine 0 s
testEmptyWriter 0.004 s
testWriterWithOneBlankLine 0.001 s
testWriterWithNonBlankLineFollowingBlankLine 0 s
testWriterWithOneNonBlankLine 0 s
testWriterWithTwoBlankLines 0.002 s


testExtensions 0.692 s


testVerbatim 0 s
- skipped -
testSinkWrapper 0.290 s
testVerbatimCode 0.060 s
testDocument 0.070 s
testParser 0.049 s
testQuoteVsApostrophe 0.046 s
testFontBoldSinkEvent 0.050 s
testHtmlContent 0.050 s
testCommentBeforeHeadingSinkEvent 0.045 s
testFontMonospacedSinkEvent 0.040 s
testCodeSinkEvent 0.045 s
testFirstHeadingSinkEvent 0.048 s
testNumberedListSinkEvent 0.040 s
testTocMacro 0.057 s
testFontItalicSinkEvent 0.030 s
testListSinkEvent 0.030 s
testTocMacroDoxia559 0.035 s
testLinkRewriteSinkEvent 0.030 s
testFencedCodeBlockSinkEvent 0.035 s
testLinkWithAnchorAndQuery 0.040 s
testMetadataYamlSinkEvent 0.061 s
testFlexIssue384 0.039 s
testParagraphSinkEvent 0.045 s
testImageSinkEvent 0.030 s
testMetadataSinkEvent 0.055 s
testLinkSinkEvent 0.044 s


testNumberedList 0.055 s
testTestDocument 0.038 s
testParagraph 0.051 s
testAddress 0.025 s
testTable 0.066 s
testTitle 0.035 s
testLineBreak 0.026 s
testBody 0.034 s
testData 0.019 s
testDate 0.025 s
testHead 0.035 s
testLink 0.030 s
testList 0.025 s
testText 0.040 s
testTime 0.035 s
testArticle 0.035 s
testVerbatimSource 0.035 s
testNonBreakingSpace 0.036 s
testLineBreakOpportunity 0.032 s
testFigureWithoutCaption 0.047 s
testInlineBold 0.021 s
testInlineCode 0.039 s
testComment 0.040 s
testContent 0.030 s
testBlockquote 0.051 s
testRawText 0.034 s
testInlineItalic 0.038 s
testNavigation 0.033 s
testAnchor 0.024 s
testAuthor 0.030 s
testDivider 0.030 s
testFigure 0.029 s
testFooter 0.028 s
testHeader 0.029 s
testInline 0.021 s
testPageBreak 0.035 s
testHorizontalRule 0.023 s
testSection1 0.028 s
testSection2 0.021 s
testSection3 0.010 s
testSection4 0.009 s
testSection5 0.021 s
testSection6 0.010 s
testSectionTitle 0.029 s
testSidebar 0.021 s
testFigureFromUrl 0.030 s
testTableWithHeader 0.020 s
testDefinitionList 0.015 s
testLinksParagraphsAndStylesInTableCells 0.024 s
testInlineCodeWithSpecialCharacters 0.031 s
testRoundtrip 0.060 s
testMultipleAuthors 0.029 s
testNestedListWithBlockquotesParagraphsAndCode 0.030 s

Failure Details

[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]

- skipped: skipped