FindBugs Bug Detector Report

The following document contains the results of FindBugs

FindBugs Version is 3.0.1

Threshold is medium

Effort is min


Classes Bugs Errors Missing Classes
30 3 0 0


Bug Category Details Line Priority
org.apache.maven.doxia.module.apt.AptParser.SPACES should be package protected MALICIOUS_CODE MS_PKGPROTECT 172 Medium


Bug Category Details Line Priority
The method name org.apache.maven.doxia.module.apt.AptParser$Section3.Title() doesn't start with a lower case letter BAD_PRACTICE NM_METHOD_NAMING_CONVENTION 2059-2060 Medium


Bug Category Details Line Priority
org.apache.maven.doxia.module.apt.AptSink.tableRows(int[], boolean) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into AptSink.cellJustif MALICIOUS_CODE EI_EXPOSE_REP2 709 Medium