linkcheck LinkcheckModel Model for the linkcheck report. package org.apache.maven.doxia.linkcheck.model LinkcheckModel <linkcheck> element is the root of the linkcheck descriptor. ]]> 1.0.0 files <file> elements. ]]> 1.0.0 LinkcheckFile * true LinkcheckFile <file> to be checked. ]]> 1.0.0 absolutePath 1.0.0 String true relativePath 1.0.0 String true successful 1.0.0 int true -1 unsuccessful 1.0.0 int true -1 results 1.0.0 LinkcheckFileResult * true 1.0.0 LinkcheckFileResult 1.0.0 target 1.0.0 String true status 1.0.0 String true errorMessage 1.0.0 String true 1.0.0