Maven Doxia

Doxia is a content generation framework which aims to provide its users with powerful techniques for generating static and dynamic content: Doxia can be used in web-based publishing context to generate static sites, in addition to being incorporated into dynamic content generation systems like blogs, wikis and content management systems.

Doxia supports markup languages with simple syntaxes. Lightweight markup languages are used by people who might be expected to read the document source as well as the rendered output.

Doxia is used extensively by Maven and it powers the entire documentation system of Maven. It gives Maven the ability to take any document that Doxia supports and output it any format.

Brief History

Based on the Aptconvert project developed by Xmlmind company, Doxia was initially hosted by Codehaus, to become a sub-project of Maven early in 2006.

Main Features

  • Developed in Java
  • Support of several markup formats: APT (Almost Plain Text), Confluence, DocBook, FML (FAQ Markup Language), LaTeX, RTF, TWiki, XDoc (popular in Apache land), XHTML
  • Easy to learn the syntax of the supported markup formats
  • Macro support
  • No need to have a corporate infrastructure (like wiki) to host your documentation
  • Extensible framework