archetype Archetype The metadata about an archetype is stored in the archetype.xml file located in the META-INF/maven directory of its jar file.

package org.apache.maven.archetype.model ArchetypeModel Describes the assembly layout and packaging. 1.0.0 id 1.0.0 true String pom.xml.]]> allowPartial 1.0.0 boolean true makes it possible to run the archetype:create even on existing projects.]]> sources 1.0.0 src/main/java.]]> Source * resources 1.0.0 src/main/resources.]]> Resource * testSources 1.0.0 src/test/java.]]> Source * testResources 1.0.0 src/test/resources.]]> Resource * siteResources 1.0.0 src/site.]]> Resource * Source Describes a source file. Note that source files are always filtered, unlike resources that can be non-filtered. 1.0.0 file 1.0.0 String encoding 1.0.0 String .properties]]> Resource Describes a resource file. 1.0.0 file 1.0.0 String encoding 1.0.0 String .properties]]> filtered 1.0.0 boolean true A resource can be filtered, which means the file will be used as Velocity template. It can be non-filtered, which means the file will be copied without modification.