This page will hold the complete list of archetype (even not hosted at apache).

Each archetype page should enforce the following pattern :
* Archetype name
* Command line to call the archetype
* If the archetype can be used in an existing projects directory
* A tree view of the resulting files
* Some additional information like the additional properties used by the plugin

To use an archetype:
mvn archetype:create -DgroupId=<your group> -DartifactId=<your artifact> -DarchetypeArtifactId=<wanted artifact> -DarchetypeGroupId=<wanted artifact group>
Read more [here|].

h3. Quick Reference

A quick reference of available archetypes and their repositories. This list is designed so it can be automatically retrieved from archetype front-ends such as Archy - []. Only archetypes that don't have any "released" artifacts need a version number.
|| Artifact || Group || Version || Repository || Description ||
| appfuse-basic-jsf | org.appfuse.archetypes | 2.0 | [] | AppFuse archetype for creating a web application with Hibernate, Spring and JSF |
| appfuse-basic-spring | org.appfuse.archetypes | 2.0 | [] | AppFuse archetype for creating a web application with Hibernate, Spring and Spring MVC |
| appfuse-basic-struts | org.appfuse.archetypes | 2.0 | [] | AppFuse archetype for creating a web application with Hibernate, Spring and Struts 2 |
| appfuse-basic-tapestry | org.appfuse.archetypes | 2.0 | [] | AppFuse archetype for creating a web application with Hibernate, Spring and Tapestry 4 |
| appfuse-core | org.appfuse.archetypes | 2.0 | [] | AppFuse archetype for creating a jar application with Hibernate and Spring and XFire |
| appfuse-modular-jsf | org.appfuse.archetypes | 2.0 | [] | AppFuse archetype for creating a modular application with Hibernate, Spring and JSF |
| appfuse-modular-spring | org.appfuse.archetypes | 2.0 | [] | AppFuse archetype for creating a modular application with Hibernate, Spring and Spring MVC |
| appfuse-modular-struts | org.appfuse.archetypes | 2.0 | [] | AppFuse archetype for creating a modular application with Hibernate, Spring and Struts 2 |
| appfuse-modular-tapestry | org.appfuse.archetypes | 2.0 | [] | AppFuse archetype for creating a modular application with Hibernate, Spring and Tapestry 4 |
| maven-archetype-j2ee-simple | org.apache.maven.archetypes | | [] | A simple J2EE Java application |
| maven-archetype-marmalade-mojo | org.apache.maven.archetypes | | [] | A Maven plugin development project using marmalade |
| maven-archetype-mojo | org.apache.maven.archetypes | | [] | A Maven Java plugin development project |
| maven-archetype-portlet | org.apache.maven.archetypes | | [] | A simple portlet application |
| maven-archetype-profiles | org.apache.maven.archetypes | | [] | |
| maven-archetype-quickstart | org.apache.maven.archetypes | | [] | |
| maven-archetype-simple | org.apache.maven.archetypes | | [] | |
| maven-archetype-site-simple | org.apache.maven.archetypes | | [] | A simple site generation project |
| maven-archetype-site | org.apache.maven.archetypes | | [] | A more complex site project |
| maven-archetype-webapp | org.apache.maven.archetypes | | [] | A simple Java web application |
| struts2-archetype-starter | org.apache.struts | 2.0.9-SNAPSHOT | [] | A starter Struts 2 application with Sitemesh, DWR, and Spring |
| struts2-archetype-blank | org.apache.struts | 2.0.9-SNAPSHOT | [] | A minimal Struts 2 application |
| struts2-archetype-portlet | org.apache.struts | 2.0.9-SNAPSHOT | [] | A minimal Struts 2 application that can be deployed as a portlet |
| struts2-archetype-dbportlet | org.apache.struts | 2.0.9-SNAPSHOT | [] | A starter Struts 2 portlet that demonstrates a simple CRUD interface with db backing |
| struts2-archetype-plugin | org.apache.struts | 2.0.9-SNAPSHOT | [] | A Struts 2 plugin |
| shale-archetype-blank | org.apache.shale | 1.0.3-SNAPSHOT | [] | A blank Shale web application with JSF |
| maven-adf-archetype | org.apache.myfaces.adfbuild | 1.0-SNAPSHOT | [] | Archetype to ease the burden of creating a new application based with ADF |
| data-app | net.databinder | 0.4 | [] | A new Databinder application with sources and resources. |
| jini-service-archetype | org.jini.maven-jini-plugin | 2.0 | [] | Archetype for Jini service project creation |
| softeu-archetype-seam | org.apache.maven.archetypes | | [] | JSF+Facelets+Seam Archetype |
| softeu-archetype-seam-simple | org.apache.maven.archetypes | | [] | JSF+Facelets+Seam (no persistence) Archetype |
| softeu-archetype-jsf | org.apache.maven.archetypes | | [] | JSF+Facelets Archetype |
| jpa-maven-archetype | com.rfc.maven.archetypes | | [] | JPA application |
| spring-osgi-bundle-archetype | org.springframework.osgi | 1.0-m3-SNAPSHOT | [] | Spring-OSGi archetype |
| confluence-plugin-archetype | com.atlassian.maven.archetypes | | [] | Atlassian Confluence plugin archetype |
| maven-archetype-har | net.sf.maven-har | 0.9 | [] | Hibernate Archive |
| maven-archetype-sar | net.sf.maven-sar | 0.9 | [] | JBoss Service Archive |
| wicket-archetype-quickstart | org.apache.wicket | 1.3.0-beta3 | [] | A simple Apache Wicket project |

h3. Additional Information

* There is a maven-archetypes project on
** []
** []

* Webtide has some archetypes available for download and installation locally. (Not in a public repository as far as I know.)
** []

* A SEAM archetype is available from Lunar Logic
** []
** []
* JSF archetypes from SoftEU
** [] JSF+Facelets
** [] JSF+Facelets+Seam ([] Maven Seam integration)
** [] JSF+Facelets+Seam (no hibernate)
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